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减肥运动相关口语表达 第98期:走掉肥胖


Unit 98:Walk it off第98单元:走掉肥胖You've been using a significant amount of energy ever since that first tottering step you took as a child.打从孩提摇摇晃晃学走路的第一步起,你就已用掉很多的精力了。Walking is an easy,painless and powerful form of exercise.走路是一种简单、不痛苦又有效的运动。Studies show that you burn about 100 calories for every mile you walk.许多研究显示,你每走一英里,就消耗大约一百卡路里。This may not sound like much,but it quickly adds up.这听起来也许不多,但却能迅速地累积。The ideal walking program consists of a minimum of a 20-minute walk at least three times a week.最理想的走路计划是一个星期最少三天,每次至少走二十分钟。To enjoy maximum benefits.don't just drag your feet along the sidewalk but get your whole body involved.要得到最大的功效,千万别只是拖着脚步沿着人行道走,必须全身都运动到。Bend your elbows,flex your hips and torso, relax your chest and shoulders and take brisk steps at a comfortable but challenging stride.弯弯手肘、活动臀部和全身、胸部和肩膀放松,并以一种舒服又具有挑战性的大步,轻快地行走。