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计算机英语会话(MP3+中英字幕) 第37期:信息高速公路(2)



The Information Superhighway信息高速公路

Professional Terms专业术语information superhighway信息高速公路cellular mobile telephone蜂窝状移动电话national information infrastructure国家信息基础设施wireless无线电I am pleased to announce today that at the beginning of the New Year.我很高兴在今天、新一年的开始宣布,President Clinton will present to Congress a package of legislative and administrative proposals on telecommunications.克林顿总统将向全国会提出关于电信的立法和行政的一揽子建议。These changes coming in the related fields of telecommunications and computing and telephony and other related fields.电信、计算机和电话以及其他相关领域技术的发展are going to make up one of the most powerful revolutions in the entire history of human kind.将共同形成人类历史上一次最强大的革命。Today most people are primarily receivers of information through the electronic media.今天,大多数人主要是通过电子媒体接收信息。We watch television,we listen to the radio.比如看电视、听收音机。In this coming decade,we will each transmit more and more information as well over the same lines of communication.今后十年,我们将在相同的通信路上传输更多的信息。We'll send and receive not just on the telephone as we do now,but across the full range of the new technologies.我们不只是像现在这样通过电话来发送和接收信息,而是要使用各种新技术。Each person will turn from being Just a consumer to being a consumer and a provider.每个人都将从单纯的用户变成既是用户又是信息的提供者。In a way this change represents anther kind of enpowerment.这一变化在某种意义上代表了另一种授权。The quality revolution in the factory treats each individual as a source of added value.工厂的质量革命将每一部门视为一个增值源。The communications revolution recognizes each individual as a source of information that adds value to our community and to our economy.通信革命则将每一部门视为社会和经济的增长值信息源。Interactive television will mean holding a business meeting without leaving your living room.交互式电视将意味着不离开起居室就能召开工作会议。It will mean that people at home can use the television set not simply as passive entertainment but as an active tool.这是说家用电视不仅仅是消极的娱乐,而是一个有用的工具。These changes are coming not over night or out of the blue,rather they are the outgrowth of a steady series of changes that encompass much of our history.正在发生的这些变化不是一个晚上或突然间就可以实现的,而是在经历了一系列重大变化的基础上产生的结果。