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Complaining About Tailors裁缝店取衣服时抱怨样式英语句型:

It's not what I ask for.

I was rather disappointed about your service.

It's too short. I can't accept it.

The quality is inferior.

A: Oh, dear!

B: What's the matter?

A: It's not what I asked for.

B: What" s wrong with it?

A: It's not the right material.

B: It's not the right material?

A: The pattern is not right, either.

B: Let me check out. Oh, I see. It's not yours. It's Mrs. Lee's.

(Mrs. Wang comes to fetch her dress, )

Tailor: Here' s the dress you wanted.

Mrs. Wang: It looks beautiful. Let me try it on.

Tailor: How are you feeling?.

Mrs. Wang: The sleeves seem a bit too long. I can't possibly accept it.

Tailor: I can have them altered. Would you wait for a moment, please?

Mrs. Wang: No problem. I'll wait. (After doing some alteration)

Tailor: Try it again, please.

Mrs. Wang: Surely they look better now. Oh, I'm sorry but can you let them out a bit?

Tailor: Of course. I can open the seam again.

Mrs. Wang : Thank you.

Tailor: I`ll sure it will fit you this time. I regularly charge you for 70 yuan.

Sorry to bring you inconvenience. You may pay me 60 yuan, OK?

Mrs. Wang: You`ve made a good business. I`ll have my dress made heve next time.


裁缝店取衣服抱怨<a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>英语</a>句型及对话中文<a href=http://www.hxen.net/interpretation/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>翻译</a>.jpg