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迷你对话学口语 第10课 无趣的 - 15



第10课:无趣的 - 15


A: How in the world can you type so fast? I could watch you do that all day!
B: It’s second nature to me now, and I don’t even think about it. At home I have a real typewriter, but my kids say it’s old hat. I should use the computer, so I only use it for notes and envelopes.

A: 你怎么打字打得那么快!我都看傻了!
B: 习惯成自然,我现在想都不想了。我家里有台打字机,可我的孩子们都说那是老古董了。我应该用电脑,写个便笺或是写个信封什么的才用打字机。


A: How is your work going?
B: Terrible! I’ve got tons of numbers to add up everyday, and that’s all I do. I never thought I would have a plodding job like this.

A: 工作干得怎么样了?
B: 糟透了!我每天都要加成堆成堆的数字,除了这个就没有别的了。从没想过我会做这么单调乏味的工作。