迷你对话学口语 第10课 无趣的 - 16
第10课:无趣的 - 16
A: So, I hear you’ve been copying out class lists for Mr. Fredericks? That must be a dull, repetitive job!
B: Yeah, it’s about as much fun as watching paint dry.
A: 听说你在帮Fredericks老师抄班级优等生名单,那一定是份乏味而又重复的活吧。
B: 是啊,就跟等着看油漆干一样没劲。
A: The neighbors are having a garage sale. Don’t you want to have one, too?
B: No, I don’t care about those kinds of things.
A: 邻居们都在自家门前出售旧货,你不卖些什么吗?
B: 不,我对那个不感兴趣。