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Unit 7. Part 3. Advertizing.

Dialogue 1.

W: So, how about the TV advertisement?

M: I admit that we will leave a deep impression on the audience’s mind, but it’s too expensive to make TV commercials.

W: TV commercials are fascinating and attractive. The repetition of commercials will help make our products well-known and built strong brand positions.

M: That’s true. I suppose we produce alternative ads that are pre-tested in different kinds of media before a final choice is made.

W: That’s wonderful.

Dialogue 2.

W: As your client I’d like to know how much do you charge us?

M: First of all can you tell me how much your budge is for your advertisement?

W: You know how much to spend on advertising is always problematic. And our budget is about 100,000 dollars per month.

M: OK. And could you let me know your objective of your advertising campaign?

W: Our advertisement is designed to build up our reputation and at the same time persuade the consumers that our brand offers the best quality for their money.

M: I see. According to your requirements we will create the advertisement and develop a media plan for you.

Dialogue 3.

W: From my point of view, no matter how big the budget advertising can succeed only of the ads message gains attention and communicates well.

M: Yes, it should be better planned more imaginative and entertaining.

W: And we have to decide the frequency we have for our ads.

M: I agree.

W: There are 3 ads plans I designed. Would you like to have a look?

M: Thank you very much.

W: Not at all. I am honored to be able to help you.