栏目广告位一 |
爆笑英语口语 第202期:学英文大PK 哪国教材奇特
Language Points
1.Good morning, class.
2.Please turn to chapter 1 in Very Fucking English.
3.Chapter 2: business etiquette
4.Foreigners in Japan
5.What do you want from life, -
爆笑英语口语 第201期:你体验过这种酸爽的感觉吗?
Language Points
1.That feeling of betrayal
2.That missing phone feeling
3.That package feeling
4.That toe's gonna fall off feeling
5.That spoon feeling -
爆笑英语口语 第200期:现实中的同声传译是什么样的?
Language Points
抱歉!暂无文本…… -
爆笑英语口语 第199期:你有这些手机综合症吗?
Language Points
1.When you're desperate for a charge and you can only find one outlet
2.When your phone has no service
3.When your charger and phone don't seem to get al -
爆笑英语口语 第198期:女生在夏天会有哪些烦恼?
Language Points
1.And your hair suddenly having a mind of its own.
2.Your favourite makeup melting in your purse.
3.Dealing with very complicated bras and bra straps in order to -
爆笑英语口语 第196期:随手就可以实现环保的那些事
Language Points
1.Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use.
2.Unplug devices when possible.
3.Trade in your dryer for a good old-fashioned clothesline. -
爆笑英语口语 第197期:撩妹的最高境界!
Language Points
抱歉!暂无文本…… -
爆笑英语口语 第195期:父母和孩子说过的有趣谎言
Language Points
1.Misleading Music
2."Death" Threat
3.A Little Birdie Told Me...
4.The Seed Situation -
爆笑英语口语 第194期:如何用美剧学口语?
如果你要问我相对于Two Broke Girls and The Big Bang Theory哪个更适合学口语,我肯定告诉你选Two Broke Girls。原因很简单,因为 -
爆笑英语口语 第193期:快来看看我们的默契大考验吧
爆笑英语口语2018-07-27 -
爆笑英语口语 第192期:为什么要听音乐?
Language Points
1.Your heartbeat will speed up or slow down to match the music you’re listening to.
2.Listening to sad music can actually improve the listener’s mood.
3.Music -
爆笑英语口语 第191期:如何改善我们身边的环境
Language Points
1.One of the most basic methods for improving is, of course, recycling.
2.Avoid utilizing plastic bags if at all possible.
3.Electrical use is the biggest househ -
爆笑英语口语 第190期:居然有如此神奇的时间管理方法
Language Points
1.The Wall Sit-N-Read
2.Page-Turner Push-Ups
3.Character Kicks
4.Page Planks
5.The Cooldown -
爆笑英语口语 第189期:第一次打飞机的爆笑经历
Language Points
抱歉,暂无文本…… -
爆笑英语口语 第188期:献给所有毕业的同学
Language Points
1. You've got to find what you love.
2. You will fail at some point in your life. Accept it. You will lose.
3. You will never truly know yourself, or the str -
爆笑英语口语 第187期:无法回答的那些问题
Language Points
1. What should I do with my hands?
2. Where the hell is my phone?
3. Should I go out in this?
4. Why does time pass so slowly?
5. Should I leave the house toda -
爆笑英语口语 第186期:节约用水人人有责
Language Points
1.Use the low-water dishwashing method. Instead of having the water running the whole time, fill one sink with hot soapy water, then turn off the water and scrub t -
爆笑英语口语 第185期:上帝告诉我们的那些话
Language Points
A man died...
When he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.
Dialog between God and Dead Man :
God: Alright son, it’s time to go
M -
爆笑英语口语 第184期:外国的妈妈是怎么和孩子发短信的
Language Points
抱歉,暂无文本…… -
爆笑英语口语 第183期:你是我最重要的决定
Language Points
抱歉,暂无文本…… -
爆笑英语口语 第182期:英语就这么简单
Language Points
1.Blue in the face
2.Bob’s your uncle
3.Kick the bucket
4.Hold your horses
5.Head in the clouds -
爆笑英语口语 第181期:哭,是女人独有的权利
Language Points
1.You never win an argument, because you always start crying before you get to make your point.
2.And you always look in sincere when you cry about other people’ -
爆笑英语口语 第180期:Coco Chanel教会我们的那些事儿
Language Points
1.A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
2.In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
3.Fashion passes, style remains.
4.The best co -
爆笑英语口语 第179期:"第一次"的那些事儿
Language Points
1.lady first
2.the first lady
3.first impression
4.first class
5.love at first sight
6.go first gear
7.The first step is always the hardest.
8.First come, f -
爆笑英语口语 第178期:夏天来了,平胸妹子的烦恼(2)
Language Points
1.Realizing the idea that s can wear anything they want simply isn't true.
2. Trying on blouses and jackets that just aren't made for you.
3.Staring at y
栏目广告位二 |