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人人说英语(初级口语) un21-22


[06:22.69]Flight Attendant:Yes,madam,can I help you?
[06:27.36]Passenger:I'm feeling a bit airsick.
[06:33.53]Flight Attendant:We have the medicine for that.I'll go and get it for you.
[06:38.70]Passenger:Thank you.Oh,can you get me some orange juice as well?
[06:45.05]Flight Attendant:Certainly.I'll be back right away.
[06:49.41]Conversation 3
[06:52.96]Key Words and Phrases
[06:56.72]chicken              beef                 service
[07:00.20]鸡,鸡肉             牛肉                 服务
[07:03.67]cart                 aisle
[07:05.95]推车                 通道
[07:08.22]Conversation 3
[07:11.98]Flight Attendant:Would you like chicken or beef?
[07:18.28]Flight Attendant:Here you are.
[07:17.28]Passenger:Thank you.Oh,can I have another drink?
[07:22.32]Flight Attendant:Certainly.The service cart will be down the aisle again soon.
[07:28.06]Flight Attendant:Would you like chicken or beef?
[07:35.27]Flight Attendant:Here you are.
[07:38.02]Passenger:Thank you.Oh,can I have another drink?
[07:43.79]Flight Attendant:Certainly.The service cart will be down the aisle again soon.
[07:49.54]Additional Useful Expressions
[07:56.64]aboard               fasten               belt
[08:00.02]上(飞机,船)       系,扣住             带子
[08:03.41]upright              position             lavatory
[08:06.95]垂直的               位置                 卫生间
[08:10.49]switch off           mobile
[08:13.06]关掉                 可移动的
[08:15.63]Additional Useful Expressions
[08:20.07]Welcome aboard.
[08:25.92]Excuse me,could you please put this bag under the seat?
[08:24.92]Would you please fasten your seat belt?
[08:33.78]Would you please return your seat back to the upright position?
[08:47.44]May I use the lavatory now?
[08:55.20]Please switch off your mobile phones.
[09:04.55]Excuse me,could you help me put this in the luggage bin?
[09:15.73]Could you give me a blanket? I feel a bit cold.