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Yummy and scrummy -childhood terms for the taste of food.
Yummy (美味)和 scrummy(好吃)是小孩用来形容食物味道的词语。

I remember using them when I was a kid.

They're actually quite old - well, a hundred years or so - they're late 19th century - is the first time I've found a reference to them from 'yum, yum' - 'yummy' from 'yum, yum' - first, referring to delicious food, of course, and then to attractive people.
这两个词已经存在很长时间了--大概有一百年了 --在19世纪末的时候--yummy这个词应该就是从那个时候开始被人们使用的(而它的前身应该是yum,首先是用来描述好吃的东西,当然,后来又用来指有魅力的人。

That became a usage in the 1990s, which was quite fashionable for a while.

People talked about 'yummy mummies' - that is, the perfectly-groomed woman who goes to yoga classes, stays slim, has clean children and has a four-wheel-drive.
人们提得最多的是yummy mummies-- 也就是那些打扮精致,练瑜伽有着纤瘦身材,干净小孩和私家车的年轻妈妈们。

And other usages came in too - 'I've got a very yummy job', people might say, and recently, I heard somebody talking about somebody who had a very yummy blog on the internet - in that sense, it means, sort of, delightful and attractive, rather than delicious.
Yummy之后又有了其它的一些用法,如人们会这么说:I’ve got a very yummy job(我有一份好工作);最近我甚至听见有人议论说在网上某人的博客很yummy(精彩),yummy在此处的用法是“招人喜欢;很精彩”而不是delicious(好吃)。

Well, 'scrummy', anyway became modeled on 'yummy'.

It developed in the early 20th century some years later, again, originally with reference to food - scrumptious, you see, it's a derivation from that word, which means delicious.
Scrummy在20世纪早期开始出现并慢慢演变(成今天的样子), 同样,这个词来源于跟食物味道有关的单词scrumptious(好吃),看见了吧,scrummy是由scrumptious演变而来的;

People talked about 'scrummy cakes' and 'scrummy recipes', and then, started using it as an adjective too, more than 'yummy' did, you know, 'that was scrummier', 'this is scrummiest'.
人们会聊到“美味的蛋糕”,“美味烹煮秘方”就这样这个词开始带有形容词性;出现的频率甚至比yummy还大,随处可听到that was scrummier (那个更好吃) 或是this is scrummiest (这个最好吃)。

I have heard 'yummier' and 'yummiest', but 'scrummier' and 'scrummiest' seems to be more common!
经常也会听到人们说yummier(更好吃) 或是yummiest(最好吃),但是scrummier (更好吃) 和 scrummiest(最好吃)要更常见一点。

Something 'sounds scrummy'. There are 'scrummy TV shows' now.
(你会听到这样的句子)“某事听起来很scrummy(挺有味的)” 。或者是“现在正播放scrummy(好看的)电视节目”。

The word, evidently, has moved on!