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实战口语情景对话 第1122期:Having Roommates 室友


Adam: Hi Sarah. Today we're talking about lifestyle options. So my first question would be would you rather live with a roommate or live by yourself?

Sarah: This one would definitely depend on who the roommate is. I have lived alone many times and I've also had lots of different roommates, and I found that any roommate that's extroverted does not work well with me. I find that like if I come home and they're there, like I don't want to be there. So I leave again, or I just go in my room, close the door. I think the worst situation was when I lived with my sister. She is very extroverted, and we were working the same types of jobs and spending a lot of time together. When I came home, I just wanted to be alone. And so I would go in my room and she thought that I didn't love her, I didn't want to spend time with her. But really, you know, I just needed my space. So in that case, living alone is better. But if I have someone who is more similar in personality to me, then it works well to have a roommate. I currently have a roommate and we get along really well because we have similar temperaments. And so, yeah, it works well for us.

Adam: So would you say that opposites don't attract?

Sarah: When it comes to living together, absolutely not.

Adam: Hmm. How about your living situation in terms of a house or an apartment, which one would you prefer?

Sarah: Definitely an apartment because to me a house seems permanent. And I love change. So I also move a lot. I have moved to a new place every two years or less for like the past 12 years of my life. So the thought of having a house and being stuck in one place doesn't really appeal to me.

Adam: I can understand that. This apartment of yours, would you prefer it to be in the city or in the countryside?

Sarah: I would naturally say city, but ironically, most of the places I have lived have been more countryside or rural because that's where I found work. But in the future, I think I would like to live in a larger city.

Adam: Any cities in mind?

Sarah: Not right now. I'm still trying to decide about what country I want to move to next.

Adam: How about this apartment of yours in the city, would it be furnished or unfurnished?

Sarah: Interesting you ask that, because the apartment I'm currently in is unfurnished. And when I moved here, it was really complicated to try to furnish it because I live on the fifth floor and there is no elevator. And it became quickly very problematic when I moved in trying to get things. But when I was coming, the apartment agency that I was dealing with told me that there weren't any furnished apartments in the area where I lived. So I thought it was the only option when really it wasn't.

Adam: Yeah, the fifth floor, you must have got some good exercise carrying all that stuff up there.

Sarah: Definitely.

Adam: How do you feel about pets?

Sarah: I love animals. I would love to have a dog or a rabbit. When I lived in China, I had a rabbit. But it's just not practical for my life because I live overseas and I go back and forth between the States visiting family. And it's just not practical to have one. So maybe one day if I ever settle down.

Adam: A dog, a rabbit?

Sarah: Probably a dog. Dog would be first option definitely, a Dachshund. My favorite animal is Dachshund.

Adam: Those are cute.

Sarah: Yeah.