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实战口语情景对话 第1031期:Vision Quest 视觉探索
Sorie: So, Mark, tell us about your experience when you lived in the wilderness.
索里:马克,和我们说说你在荒野生活的经历。Mark: It was for a really short time. It was part of a M实战口语情景对话 第1030期:Travel Tips For Portugal 葡萄牙旅行小贴士
Michael: So Ana, you're from Portugal, right?
迈克尔:安娜,你来自葡萄牙,对吧?Ana: Yeah, right.
安娜:对,没错。Michael: Okay, because I'm actually thinking of going to visit实战口语情景对话 第1029期:Life in Portugal 葡萄牙的生活
Michael: So Ana, you're from Portugal. Can you tell me a little bit about your country?
迈克尔:安娜,你来自葡萄牙。你能给我介绍一下你的祖国吗?Ana: Yes, sure. Portugal is a real实战口语情景对话 第1028期:Change Climage Change 气候变化(续)
Amy: So speaking of climate change, what do you think are three things that we can do to try and personally help climate change—well, prevent climate change in our lives? Wha
实战口语情景对话2017-11-14实战口语情景对话 第1027期:Climate Change 气候变化
Paul: So have you seen all these freakish weather events on the news all around the world?
保罗:你看到全世界都出现反常天气的报道了吗?Amy: Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to pay attentio实战口语情景对话 第1026期:Shopping for Clothes 买衣服
Spencer: So talking about clothes, Curtis, do you spent a lot of money on clothes?
斯宾塞:柯蒂斯,说到衣服,你会在衣服上花很多钱吗?Curtis: I don't really spend a lot of money o实战口语情景对话 第1025期:Fashion Sense 时尚感
Curtis: Hi Spencer, I thought we might talk about fashion a little bit. Could you describe to me your style or your fashion sense?
柯蒂斯:斯宾塞,我们来谈谈时尚吧。你能给我介绍一实战口语情景对话 第1024期:Chile Travel Tips 智利旅行小贴士
Hana: So, you're from Chile?
哈娜:你来自智利?Daniel: Yeah, that's right.
丹尼尔:对,没错。Hana: If I ever travel to Chile, do you have any tips?
哈娜:如果我去智利旅行,你有实战口语情景对话 第1023期:Hanging out in Santiago 圣地亚哥
Hana: Hello!
哈娜:你好!Daniel: Hello! How are you?
丹尼尔:你好!你怎么样?Hana: I'm fine, thank you. I heard you're from Chile.
哈娜:我很好,谢谢。我听说你来自智利。Daniel实战口语情景对话 第1022期:Reading Digitally 数字阅读
Sarah: So now that there's so much technology to be able to read things, do you still read things the old fashion way like newspapers, magazines, real books?
萨拉:现在有很多科技实战口语情景对话 第1021期:Love of Reading 热爱阅读
Sarah: So Peter, I hear that you love to read. What types of books do you like to read?
萨拉:彼得,我听说你喜欢阅读。你喜欢看哪种类型的书?Peter: I like to, I especially like to实战口语情景对话 第1020期:Belgium Cuisine 比利时美食
Ade: So according to you what is the most popular thing in Belgium regarding to food?
阿德琳娜:你认为比利时最受欢迎的食物是什么?Chris: Well it maybe doesn't give us a good name实战口语情景对话 第1019期:Belgium Dining 比利时餐饮
Ade: Now Chris, in our last conversation you told me you come from Belgium. And I would like to know, what kind of food do you eat in Belgium?
阿德琳娜:克里斯,上次你告诉我你来自实战口语情景对话 第1018期:Life in Another Land 另一片土地的生活
Adelina: We are sitting here together in Spain but you are far away from your home country. Are you often abroad?
阿德琳娜:现在我们都在西班牙,不过这里离你的祖国很远。你经常出国吗实战口语情景对话 第1017期:Life's Ups and Downs 人生的酸甜苦辣
Chris: Hi, Adelina. So, let's talk about ... about life in general. Could you tell me a bit how ... how has been your life, some highlights up till now?
克里斯:嗨,阿德琳娜。我们实战口语情景对话 第1016期:Sizing Up Students 评价学生
Note: This is a continuation of a conversation about student learner types from conversation 1289.注:本期内容是上期讨论学生类型的对话的第二部分。Todd: Yeah, but next time you teac
实战口语情景对话2017-11-02实战口语情景对话 第1015期:Players, Pupils, and Prisoners 参与者和学生和囚禁者
Todd: So Julia, you are a teacher.托德:朱莉娅,你是老师。Julia: That's right.朱莉娅:没错。Todd: So I'm going to run a theory by you.托德:我要给你介绍个理论。Julia: Okay.
实战口语情景对话2017-11-02实战口语情景对话 第1014期:Chore Bores 讨厌的事情
Todd: Okay. So Josh, in another interview we were talking about foods that we don't like, now let's talk about activities or things we don't like to do.
托德:乔什,我们之前谈论实战口语情景对话 第1013期:Foods We Hate 我们讨厌的食物
Todd: So Josh, you're a teen still, correct?
托德:乔什,你还是青少年,对吧?Josh: Yeah, that's right.
乔什:对,没错。Todd: Okay, so I thought we would talk about things you l实战口语情景对话 第1012期:Home schooling Teacher's View 在家教育(老师角度)
Peter: So thinking about your future, would you have your kids home-schooled, would you home-school themselves or do you think that it's better for them to go to a normal school,
实战口语情景对话2017-10-31实战口语情景对话 第1011期:Home Schooling As a Student 在家教育(学生角度)
Peter: So Sarah you told me earlier that you've been home-schooled, it sounds really interesting, I've never met somebody who's been home-schooled, so could you tell me a little
实战口语情景对话2017-10-31实战口语情景对话 第1010期:Evaluating the Euro 评估欧元
Ade: Good morning Chris. Tell us, where do you come from?
阿德琳娜:早上好,克里斯。你来自哪里?Chris: I'm from Antwerp in Belgium.
克里斯:我来自比利时安特卫普。Ade: Wow! I've实战口语情景对话 第1009期:European Cities 欧洲城市
Chris: So Adelina, that's how you say, right, Adelina?
克里斯:阿德琳娜,可以这样称呼你吧,阿德琳娜?Ade: Actually everybody calls me Ade.
阿德琳娜:其实大家都叫我阿德。Chris: W实战口语情景对话 第1008期:Local Accents 地方口音
Curtis: Hey Spencer, so I was just thinking, it's kind of interesting. Sometimes your accent, it's hard to pinpoint where it's from, sometimes I think it's from a country outsi
实战口语情景对话2017-10-27实战口语情景对话 第1007期:Langauge Zones 语言区
Todd: So, Abidemi, we've been talking about your country, Nigeria. Now, you've mentioned that there's different langauges in different regions.
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