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实战口语情景对话 第1056期:Best Teacher 最好的老师
Jeremy: Abidemi, so looking back at your life as a student, can you tell me a little bit about your experience with the best teacher that you had, and maybe a little bit about your
实战口语情景对话2017-12-04 实战口语情景对话 第1055期:Student vs Teacher 学生和老师
Jeremy: So Abidemi, you were a teacher at one time but now you've gone back to school. Can you tell me what that's like?
杰里米:阿比德米,你曾经当过老师,现在你又回到学校继续学实战口语情景对话 第1054期:Ocean Encounters 海洋邂逅
Mark: So Sorie, talking about ocean sports and being on the ocean. Maybe you could talk about your ocean swimming experience in Ogasawara.
马克:索里,我们来谈谈海上运动以及在海上实战口语情景对话 第1053期:Paddle Board 浮板
Sorie: So Mark, I hear you're a surfer but you're also a paddle boarder.
索里:马克,我知道你是冲浪爱好者,也是桨板爱好者。Mark: Hmm, no waves around here.
马克:嗯,这里没有浪实战口语情景对话 第1052期:Living on the Cheap 在物价低的地方生活
Todd: So I'm here with Dan, and he lives in Bali, Indonesia. And he's talking about slow travel, which is the concept of living in a foreign country for a long time to experience
实战口语情景对话2017-11-30实战口语情景对话 第1051期:Slow Travel 慢旅行
Todd: So Dan we're talking about your travels and living overseas, and you have a concept you call slow travel. Can you explain what slow travel is?
托德:丹,我们来谈谈你在海外旅实战口语情景对话 第1050期:Where to work in Asia 在亚洲选择工作地点
Todd: So, I'm here with Dan, and Dan lives in Bali, Indonesia where he runs his business operations. And we're going to talk about good cities to do business. So Dan what are you
实战口语情景对话2017-11-29实战口语情景对话 第1049期:Business in Bali 在巴厘岛做生意
Todd: So now Dan you live in Bali, Indonesia, which is a very beautiful place and you do a lot of business in Southeast Asia. Why do you think Southeast Asia is a good place to do
实战口语情景对话2017-11-29实战口语情景对话 第1048期:The Stubborn Recovery 艰难的恢复
Amy: How about you? Have you ever been in an accident?
艾米:你呢?你出过车祸吗?Paul: Not a car accident. I was in a bicycle accident.
保罗:我没出过车祸,但是我发生过自行车事故实战口语情景对话 第1047期:Car Smash Ups 车祸
Paul: So I was on my way to work the other day, and I saw this really—you shouldn't laugh but it was quite funny traffic accident. I shouldn't laugh but this old lady was i
实战口语情景对话2017-11-28实战口语情景对话 第1046期:Shockingly Different 截然不同
Jeremy: So you were 12 when you came to Canada.
杰里米:你在12岁的时候搬去加拿大生活。Abidemi: That's right.
阿比德米:没错。Jeremy: Do you remember anything that was either rea实战口语情景对话 第1045期:First Memories of Canada 对加拿大的第一印象
Jeremy: So Abidemi, you were born in Nigeria, but you moved to Canada and did most of your schooling in Canada.
杰里米:阿比德米,你出生在尼日利亚,后来搬到加拿大去生活,你大部分学实战口语情景对话 第1044期:Island Beauty vs City Fun 岛屿的美丽VS城市的快乐
Mark: It's funny when we lived in Ogasawara though, isn't it? There were so many positive things but there is also certain things we missed. But firstly, can you recall any of th
实战口语情景对话2017-11-24实战口语情景对话 第1043期:Mother Father Island 父岛和母岛
Sorie: So Mark, you and I are married and we've lived in —
索里:马克,你和我已经结婚了,我们生活在……Mark: We still are, aren't we?
马克:我们结婚了,对吧?实战口语情景对话 第1042期:Soups and Salads 汤和沙拉
Josh: So, Shirley, I told you about my favorite restaurant. What is your favorite restaurant?
乔什:雪莉,我告诉了你我最喜欢的餐厅。那你最喜欢哪家餐厅?Shirley: Well, my favorite实战口语情景对话 第1041期:You know a good place? 你知道哪里有美味的餐厅吗?
Shirley: Josh, I'm really hungry now. Do you know a good restaurant we could go to?
雪莉:乔什,我现在非常饿。你知道有哪家餐厅不错吗?我们可以去吃饭。Josh: Yes, there's a really实战口语情景对话 第1040期:The Big Five 五大动物
Ana: I heard that South Africa is famous for its wild animals.
安娜:我听说南非以野生动物闻名。Mike: That's true. We have many different kinds of animals in South Africa. Have yo实战口语情景对话 第1039期:The Zoologist 动物学家
Ana: Hey, Michael. I heard your mom is a zoologist. What is it exactly?
安娜:嗨,迈克尔。我听说你妈妈是动物学家。那是什么工作?Mike: A zoologist. Well, that's true. She is a zoo实战口语情景对话 第1038期:Sun, Sea, and Skin 阳光大海和皮肤
Paul: So being fair-skinned, do you burn easily in the sun?
保罗:你皮肤白皙,那你很容易被太阳晒伤吗?Aimee: I do! I get really, really freckly, just turn into one big freckle. I实战口语情景对话 第1037期:Sun vs Snow 阳光VS下雪
Paul: So, we were talking about climates, Amy. Uhm, you know are there any sort of climates that you'd like to live in?
保罗:艾米,我们来谈谈气候。你希望在哪种气候条件下生活?Ai实战口语情景对话 第1036期:Homegrown Foreigner 土生土长的外国人
Abidemi: So Jeremy, we both work in Japan, and I was just talking about how it feels like to go home. How does it feel like for you, Jeremy?
阿比德米:杰里米,我们现在都在日本工作实战口语情景对话 第1035期:Going Home 回家
Jeremy: So Abedimi, you grew up really with two homes. Can you tell us a little bit about what it's like having two homes? Do you feel any particular loyalty more to one than the
实战口语情景对话2017-11-20实战口语情景对话 第1034期:Saving for the Future 为未来存钱
Sorie: So you do have some extra money that you can put away, you would say?
索里:你有多余的钱可以存起来,对吧?Mark: I think maybe everyone has extra money because you just use实战口语情景对话 第1033期:Money Matters 金钱问题
Mark: Hi, Sorie. Talking about money, do you worry about money?
马克:你好,索里。我们来谈谈金钱,你对钱有担心吗?Sorie: Yes, I do. I especially worry about the future, about my r实战口语情景对话 第1032期:Surving the Wild 野外生存
Sorie: OK, so Mark, you were telling us that you were in the wilderness for three days with no food. Can you tell us how you felt, what your emotions were?
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