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职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 53:离我远一点


职场社交英语口语对话 Lesson 53:离我远一点

SCENE② A  吉娜在艾文的隔间附近遇到他


Zina:           Hi, Elvin. How are the new programmers I got for you?

吉娜:  嗨,艾文。我帮你找来的新程序设计师如何?

Elvin:  Stay away from me.

艾文:         离我远一点。

Zina:  Are you still mad about your nose? How is it?

吉娜:         还在气你鼻子的事啊?鼻子还好吧?

Elvin:           I'm serious, Zina. 1) Back off. I have a bottle of pepper 2) spray in my pocket.

艾文:         我是认真的,吉娜。给我退后。我的口袋里有胡椒喷雾器。

Zina:  That won't be necessary, Elvin. Look, I want to 3) apologize for your nose. I'm sorry.

吉娜:         没这个必要吧,艾文。听我说,我要为鼻子的事跟你致歉。对不起。

Elvin:  Why are you being so nice to me? Don't think for a second that I trust you.

艾文:         你干嘛对我好?你别以为我会相信你。