栏目广告位一 |
Even if you really enjoy your job, it's still possible to battle boredom as you work your way toward the boardroom. You may not be able to make big changes -- or change your job -- but you can make s
职场英语口语2010-06-24 -
Unemployed? Laid-off writer Pamela Abrams reports on 12 ways to maintain your sanity, juggle your finances, and figure out your next best move.失业了?下面是“下岗”作家Pamela Abrams总结的12个方法,让
职场英语口语2010-06-24 -
Unemployed? Laid-off writer Pamela Abrams reports on 12 ways to maintain your sanity, juggle your finances, and figure out your next best move.失业了?下面是“下岗”作家Pamela Abrams总结的12个方法,让
职场英语口语2010-06-24 -
Unemployed? Laid-off writer Pamela Abrams reports on 12 ways to maintain your sanity, juggle your finances, and figure out your next best move.失业了?下面是“下岗”作家Pamela Abrams总结的12个方法,让
职场英语口语2010-06-24 -
Everyone makes a big fuss about having a gap on your resume, and most folks are fearful of getting fired because of this very reason. But what if your current state of "underemployment" is your own do
职场英语口语2010-06-23 -
Hiring managers don't want to hear a lot of things during an interview -- confessions of a violent past, a cell phone ring, a toilet flush. Yet job seekers have committed these interview gaffes and w
职场英语口语2010-06-23 -
Everyone makes a big fuss about having a gap on your resume, and most folks are fearful of getting fired because of this very reason. But what if your current state of "underemployment" is your own do
职场英语口语2010-06-23 -
Employers use telephone interviews as a way of identifying and recruiting candidates for employment. Phone interviews are often used to screen candidates in order to narrow the pool of applicants who
职场英语口语2010-06-23 -
你可以让朋友或家人帮忙,先练习一下电话面试,这样就能有所改进。此外,面试时和面试后的小细节也要注意。记住:细节决定成败。Practice Interviewing 练习面试Talking on the phone isn't as easy as it seems. I
职场英语口语2010-06-23 -
刚开始一份新工作没多久,你就感到不开心、郁闷、烦躁。这个时候该怎么办呢?下面这篇文章就来为您出出招。You just started a new job. It's like a dream come true -- except when it's not. What's a profess
职场英语口语2010-06-22 -
(3)"What strengths do I have that will help my career?"“我有的哪些长处有利于我的事业发展?”Don't be so focused on looking for your weaknesses that you forget to ask about your strong points. You
职场英语口语2010-06-22 -
Choose the right time to start pitching ideas选择适当的时候发表意见Morey StettnerTo sell your ideas, you need to listen to others first. Just don't listen too much.想要别人接受你的想法,首先要倾听别人
职场英语口语2010-06-22 -
职场英语口语2010-06-22 -
You probably have a list of questions you'd ask your boss if given the chance.大概只要一有机会你就有一大串问题要问老板。"You really paid someone for that haircut?"“这个发型真的是你花钱请人剪的?”"M
职场英语口语2010-06-22 -
It's been a while since you've felt the exhilaration that comes with starting a new job. And you're wondering: "Has that professional spark been extinguished or is it flickering faintly, waiting to
职场英语口语2010-06-21 -
在上一篇文章中,我们举出了工作疲倦的几种表现。那么,该如何调整自己、应对这些疲倦状态呢?So You're Burned Out...如果你出现了精力枯竭……If your situation is illustrated by more 'Burnout' description
职场英语口语2010-06-21 -
Expert says change of attitude might be best approach专家说转变态度也许是最好的办法By Kate Lorenz CareerBuilder.com editorYou've got the flawless resume, impeccable credentials and the perfect look -
职场英语口语2010-06-21 -
"Tell Me About Yourself"“请你谈谈你自己”Don Straits, CEO and Dragon Slayer, Corporate Warriors面试中必会被问到的问题之一就是“请你谈谈你自己”。很多人对这个问题的回答就是简略的背一下简历。事实上这样
职场英语口语2010-06-21 -
“成功”是个迷人的字眼,它代表了一个人想获得的一切。人人都在急急忙忙地向成功狂奔,在路上奋力挣扎。可是成功不是那么容易得来的。“Slow down you’re doing fine. You can’t be everything you want to be be
职场英语口语2010-06-21 -
职场英语口语2010-06-20 -
When you are looking to make the Big Leap—the one that puts you closer to the power centers of a business or organization—the interview process will likely be different from what you've experienced
职场英语口语2010-06-20 -
不喜欢现在的工作、想改行,却苦于不知怎么着手?下面就给您一些改行的建议,希望能对您有帮助。One reason many people find it difficult to change careers is they think they have to do it in one big leap. A
职场英语口语2010-06-20 -
你会觉得在一个行业干了一段时间,觉得这并不是自己想从事的、因而想要改行呢?改行不同于一般的跳槽,很可能意味着要“从头再来”,你准别好了吗?Haven't worked for "the man" yet? No matter how far along you
职场英语口语2010-06-20 -
你知道自己的工作风格吗?了解自己的工作风格可以让你有的放矢、更好地改善工作、提高效率,也就免受工作烦心之苦啦!According to professional organizer Monica Ricci, there are about four basic work styles t
职场英语口语2010-06-20 -
Politics in the workplace can get vicious -- and we're not talking about the governmental kind. Rather, office politics, or how power and influence are managed in your company, will be a part of your
栏目广告位二 |