栏目广告位一 |
职场英语口语2010-06-19 -
Advice from Top Performersby Sonja Carberry, Investor's Business Daily成功每个人都想要,可是怎样才能成功呢?我们来看看那些在职场上取得成功的人们给了我们什么建议吧!A shaky economy has everyone watchi
职场英语口语2010-06-19 -
辞职和找工作总是同时存在。如果你不想再做下去了,辞职也无妨。下面就教您如何轻松撰写辞职信。Writing a letter of resignation might be an unpleasant task, but there’s really not that much to it. In its s
职场英语口语2010-06-19 -
If you worry about every possible way you can blow a job interview -- from mispronouncing the boss's name to babbling incessantly when you don't know what else to say -- you're going to walk in the
职场英语口语2010-06-19 -
Taking calculated risks in your career can help you reach your goals. Below are some of the common career risks that you may grapple with, and how to weigh your options.在职业发展中,有些风险是需要冒一
职场英语口语2010-06-18 -
Doing good work isn't the only requirement不是做好工作就能获得晋升If a promotion is one of your goals for the next year, are you doing everything you can to make it happen?如果获得晋升是你这一年的目标
职场英语口语2010-06-18 -
If you're not thrilled with your career, if you don't wake up excited about the day's prospects, or if you feel that your work has no intrinsic value, then it's time to get serious about making a
职场英语口语2010-06-18 -
If you're happy with your current salary, it would be easy to just sit back and enjoy it. But if you want to make sure your earnings keep rising over the long term, you need a strategy to protect aga
职场英语口语2010-06-18 -
Career slumps don't happen overnight. So it's no surprise that people often spend a decade in a chosen field only to figure out they're not doing what they want. 职业消沉并非突然发生的事情。人们常常
职场英语口语2010-06-17 -
要摆脱职业消沉,你还可以改变自己的心态,采取一些拓展“工作领域”的行动。Be open 开放的心态It's simple enough to keep abreast of trends in jobs and careers. But few people actually take the time to ex
职场英语口语2010-06-17 -
职场英语口语2010-06-17 -
团队合作,协同作战是企业事业制胜的法宝。如何建立高效的团队就成为衡量领导者能力的重要指标了。下面是建立高效团队的五个步骤,供您参考。"Leadership is the ability to decide what is to be done and then get
职场英语口语2010-06-17 -
"Awful," "dreary," and "miserable" are adjectives that many people use to describe their jobs at one time or another. Dissatisfaction on the job is common and often temporary. But not many people take
职场英语口语2010-06-17 -
As a kid, you aspired to be a doctor, astronaut or princess. But as you get older, the innocent "What do you want to be when you grow up?" really starts to hit home. "I'm 20 years old," you may want
职场英语口语2010-06-16 -
你知道用人单位都想要什么样的员工吗?正在找工作的人可要注意了,下面这几条都是用人单位在招聘时注重的条件,你可以按照这些条件准备哦。1. Relevant experience 相关工作经验Twenty-three percent of hiring mana
职场英语口语2010-06-16 -
不管就是“就业”也好“择业”也好,薪水永远是一个重要的话题,因为我们首先得保障自己的生存,其次,薪水的多少也体现了你的价值。因此,找工作的第一步就是确定你的价值。Determining your worth is an essential
职场英语口语2010-06-16 -
I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduation from college, and in the nine years since, I've spoken to countless 20-somethings who feel incredibly pressured to find their true c
职场英语口语2010-06-16 -
What do these people have in common: Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, comedian and actor Steve Martin and former Attorney General Janet Reno? 前美联储主席艾伦•格林斯潘,喜剧演员斯蒂夫
职场英语口语2010-06-16 -
大大小小的招聘会是人们找工作的一条途径。可是很多人去过招聘会后常常是一头雾水:人山人海,只感受到拥挤了。那么参加招聘会要做些什么准备呢?下面就给您支几招。CAREER fairs are a great way for college stude
职场英语口语2010-06-15 -
A competency-based interviewer will spend about half the interview on your job skills, and about half on your behavioral competencies. He or she will be looking for evidence of how you have acted in r
职场英语口语2010-06-15 -
你能在工作场合中保持英语stay on top of吗?你有没觉得自己的语言学习已经落后了呢?英语是国际商务语言,但是并不是所有的都那么简单易懂。这有一些你可能会在办公室中听到的术语。Stay on top of如果你觉得在工作
职场英语口语2010-06-15 -
Did you always know what career would be the right fit for you? For most people, it's not uncommon to dabble in a variety of things before settling on one occupation. Jean talks to Susan Strayer, a c
职场英语口语2010-06-15 -
Many years ago when I hated what I was doing for a living, I was encouraged by my career coach to write down several short stories about times and events in my life where I influenced the outcome. I w
职场英语口语2010-06-15 -
You put your best foot forward during your job interview. You wear a pressed suit and arrive 20 minutes early. Once you've been working at a place for a while, though, you get a little more comfortab
职场英语口语2010-06-14 -
You put your best foot forward during your job interview. You wear a pressed suit and arrive 20 minutes early. Once you've been working at a place for a while, though, you get a little more comfortab
栏目广告位二 |