Group 13
Ameliorate make better
Capitulate surrender, give in to
Desecration spoiling something holy
Exonerates acquits, absolves, removes blame
Impoverished destitute, poor
Lukewarm unenthusiastic; neither hot nor cold
Ossify turn to bone, become fixed and rigid
Preclude prevent or make impossible
Sanctimonious hypocritically holy
Tumult uproar, noise
Group 14
Amelioration improvement
Carping constant criticism
Desist stop, discontinue, cease
Exorcism getting free/rid of, eliminating (especially demons)
Impromptu unrehearsed, spontaneous
Lummox clumsy person
Ostentatious showy
Precocious developing early
Sanction give approval to
Turpitude depravity
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