Group 39
Arcane obscure, known only to a few people
Clamor shout, scream
Discursiveness long windedness, indirectness
Flaunt show off, display in a showy manner
Infamous famous for something bad
Mellow soft, melodious, ripe
Patron one who give support (usually financial)
Prostration lying face down, or, be overcome with extreme weakness
Somnambulist sleepwalker
Vehemence violence, fervor, forcefulness
Archaic ancient, outdated, old fashioned
Clandestine secret, covert, stealthy
Disdain contempt, strong dislike
Flippant making jokes about serious matters
Infer deduce, conclude
Menagerie collection of animals
Patronize condescend to, behave in an arrogant manner towards
Protagonist main character in film, book, play, etc.
Soothsayer fortuneteller
Vehement forceful
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