ubiquitous (adj.) existing everywhere, widespread (It seems that everyone in the United
States has a television. The technology is ubiquitous here.)
umbrage (n.) resentment, offense (He called me a lily-livered coward, and I took
umbrage at the insult.)
uncanny (adj.) of supernatural character or origin (Luka had an uncanny ability to
know exactly what other people were thinking. She also had an uncanny ability to
shoot fireballs from her hands.)
unctuous (adj.) smooth or greasy in texture, appearance, manner (The unctuous
receptionist seemed untrustworthy, as if she was only being helpful because she
thought we might give her a big tip.)
undulate (v.) to move in waves (As the storm began to brew, the placid ocean began to
undulate to an increasing degree.)
upbraid (v.) to criticize or scold severely (The last thing Lindsay wanted was for Lisa to upbraid her again about missing the rent payment.)
usurp (v.) to seize by force, take possession of without right (The rogue army general
tried to usurp control of the government, but he failed because most of the army
backed the legally elected president.)
utilitarian (adj.) relating to or aiming at usefulness (The beautiful, fragile vase couldn’t
hold flowers or serve any other utilitarian purpose.)
utopia (n.) an imaginary and remote place of perfection (Everyone in the world wants
to live in a utopia, but no one can agree how to go about building one.)