profuse (adj.) plentiful, abundant (The fans were profuse in their cheers for the star
basketball player.)
promulgate (v.) to proclaim, make known (The film professor promulgated that both in
terms of sex appeal and political intrigue, Sean Connery’s James Bond was superior
to Roger Moore’s.)
propagate (v.) to multiply, spread out (Rumors of Paul McCartney’s demise propagated
like wildfire throughout the world.)
propensity (n.) an inclination, preference (Dermit has a propensity for dangerous
activities such as bungee jumping.)
propitious (adj.) favorable (The dark storm clouds visible on the horizon suggested that
the weather would not be propitious for sailing.)
propriety (n.) the quality or state of being proper, decent (Erma’s old-fashioned parents
believed that her mini-skirt lacked the propriety expected of a “nice” girl.)
prosaic (adj.) plain, lacking liveliness (Heather’s prosaic recital of the poem bored the
proscribe (v.) to condemn, outlaw (The town council voted to proscribe the sale of
alcohol on weekends.)
protean (adj.)able to change shape; displaying great variety (Among Nigel’s protean
talents was his ability to touch the tip of his nose with his tongue.)
prowess (n.) extraordinary ability (The musician had never taken a guitar lesson in his
life, making his prowess with the instrument even more incredible.)
prudence (n.) cautious, circumspect (After losing a fortune in a stock market crash, my
father vowed to practice greater prudence in future investments.)
prurient (adj.) eliciting or possessing an extraordinary interest in sex (David’s mother
was shocked by the discovery of prurient reading material hidden beneath her son’s
puerile (adj.) juvenile, immature (The judge demanded order after the lawyer’s puerile
attempt to object by stomping his feet on the courtroom floor.)
pugnacious (adj.) quarrelsome, combative (Aaron’s pugnacious nature led him to start
several barroom brawls each month.)
pulchritude (n.) physical beauty (Several of Shakespeare’s sonnets explore the
pulchritude of a lovely young man.)
punctilious (adj.) eager to follow rules or conventions (Punctilious Bobby, hall monitor
extraordinaire, insisted that his peers follow the rules.)
pungent (adj.) having a pointed, sharp quality—often used to describe smells
(The pungent odor in the classroom made Joseph lose his concentration during the
punitive (adj.) involving punishment (If caught smoking in the boys’ room, the punitive
result is immediate expulsion from school.)
putrid (adj.) rotten, foul (Those rotten eggs smell putrid.)
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