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I 讲座

1. 要点题
填空题基本上以讲座的提纲形式出现。提纲一般以要点(bulletin ideas)为线索将讲座的内容有机构架起来。所以往往在讲座的要点处有填空部分。我们不妨先来看一下要点题的具体所处位置。2004年填空题的第4空格就是典型的要点题。

Conversational Skill
People who usually make us feel comfortable in conversations are good talkers. And they have something in common, i.e. skills to put people at ease.
1. Skill to ask questions
2. Skill to (4) for answers
3. Skill to laugh
4. Skill to part

可以看到Conversational Skills一共分四大类,然后按照这四大类再细分具体的实施技巧方法。第二大类的技巧就是填空的第4题,要求给出第二个要点。


Conversational Skills
Skill to ask questions
Skill to (4) for answers

讲座里很清楚地说道:Second, once good talkers have asked questions, they listen for answers. 和前面例子一样,信息词给考生明确的指示,Second之后就是第二要点的内容。所以答案是listen。

Writing a Research Paper
I. Research Paper and Ordinary Essay
A. Similarity in (1) :
e.g. —choosing a topic
—asking questions
—identifying the audience

讲座继提出中心内容之后,开始讲述要点。第一个要点:First of all, what is writing a research paper like? We may start by comparing it to an ordinary essay, … Both kinds of writing involve many of the same basic steps. 填空题中对Research Paper 和Ordinary Essay 的要点A概括为Similarity in ,通过对讲座内容做的笔记我们就可以得出答案是basic steps。

(6) in international travel
— use of English in travel and tourism
— signs in airports
— language of announcement
讲座中分析英语成为世界通用语的原因,其中第三点为国际旅行的繁荣。关于这一内容,讲座里说得比较明朗:“And the third factor related to the popular use of English is the boom in international travel.”所以可直接填入boom。


C. Ways to record behavior (7) _______ observation with intervention
— participant observation: researcher as observer and participant

讲座中的最后一部分是围绕行为发生时记录行为方法展开的:Having discussed ways to sample behavior in research, we are now moving on to another issue. That is, what researchers should do to record behavior as it occurs. 因此空格中需填入该部分的要点信息,即as it occurs。