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  1.the extinction of pigeon
  p1:introduction: the extinction of pigeon is caused not only by the hunt, but also by the destruction of the inhabited environment ( the main reason)
  p2:reason1:pigeon mainly feed on nuts. The adult pigeon can produce a kind of milk to feed the baby pigeon after eating the nut itself. However, some other species have the habbit of burying nuts when there is surplus. so it's hard for pigeon to predict where there'll be enough nuts and where to nest. another point needs metioning is that if the pigeon inhabit in city A this year, it will have to migrate to city B next year, and city C the next year, because there won't be enough food if they stay in one place for years. Thus they have to cover long distance to survive.
  p3:reason2:...(forgotten)...the pigeon can't nest in the south because the snow is not thick enough to protect the nuts...
  p4:reason3: There are second growth trees taking the place of the original trees, in which the pigeons build nest.
  about the questions: ... all gone...
  2. the development of human cognition
  the development of human cognition commonly have four stages, according to XXX, namely, the yyy stage, the preoperational stage, the operational stage, the formal operational stage.
  During the yyy stage(age 0 to 2), the infants don't understand the permanence of objects. For example, he won't try to locate a toy if the toy is hidden.
  During the preoperational stage(age 3 to 7), children will acquire the use of language. He see things only in his own perspective and he believe that people share the same knowledge and feeling with him. for instance, if a child at this age want to hide from people, he will cover his eyes with hands and he thought people won't see him. And also, a child at this age won't understand the fact that when the shape of a container changes, the volumes of it won't change.
  During the operational stage(age 8 to 12), children begin to have a logic thinking and can understand that the preservation of a liquid won't change if the container changes. moreover, a child at this age can visualize what will happen without seeing it.
  And the last stage, namely the formal operational stage, differs from the 3 stages mentioned above, because it won't grow natually as a child matures. ...(forgotten)...
  3. ...forgotten...
  (the order may be different from the original one)
  part 1:
  1. a student who perhaps majored in art went to the missionary of the art exhibition for help. She had some requests for her painting, whose paint is sort of special, in order to give the spectators a different experiance of enjoying the painting. these requests included the height and the position of the projector, and the illumination of the light. And at last exhibition missionary promised to help her.
  2. 3
  part 2:
  part 3:
  1. discribe an action your friends ever did to you that have surprised you.
  2. some people would like to do outdoor activities during long vovations, such as hiking, swimming, while some would like to stay at home and do indoor activities. which do you prefer? and why?
  3.announcement: the library decided to prolong the openning time to 24 hours perday during the examination period for the sake of the students. To conpenstate the cost, the openning time during the vocation would be shortened.
  a male students: he disliked the policy for the following reasons: 1st, this policy meant that the school encouraged students to stay up, which was harmful to the students' health. He believed students should have a regular time to study, instead of stay up during the exams. 2nd, shortening the time during the vocation may infulence some students. after all, not all students went to library for examination
  4.cause-effect error:
  reading material:
  peopel intend to believe that event A is the cause of event B simply because A happen before B.