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  这个其实面很广,不好说。比如说有的是READING中三个论点非常明显,然后LECTURE 中再来三个论点,要么SUPPORT 要么OPPOSE。这类的综合写作相对来说是比较好写的,比BARRON,DELTA 上的综合写作都要好写。大家可以用高分120写作,上面基本上是这一类的。我只有一次IBT考试经验,我考的时候就是这一类的,但是至于是不是所有的考试都是这一类的,我就不好说了。 所以大家还是最好把每一类的都写写,重点可以放在我刚才讲的那一类上。
  In this set of materials, the reading passage discusses reasons that seem to show that Marco Polo never made it to China, while in the lecture, the professor argues that she thinks Marco Polo did go to China and gives her reasons.
  The first point made in the reading passage is that the fact that Marco Polo never picked up any Chinese and his reference to Chinese locations are borrowed from Persian language demonstrates that he did not arrive at China. However in the listening passage, while the professor confirms the fact, she argues that the borrowing of names from Persian is reasonable because the Persian region is what connects Asia and Europe in the past.
  The second point made in the reading passage is that Marco Polo never mentioned tea and teahouse in China in his books. Therefore it’s not likely that he did come to China. But the professor says at that time in China, tea and teahouse were only popular in Southern China. Since Marco Polo spent most of his time in Northern China, it is not a surprise that he did not mention tea and teahouse in his book.
  The third point made in the reading passage is that there is no records in China as to whether or not Marco Polo served at the court of the Mongol ruler. The professor explains that it might be because he was referred to by a different name because at that time in China, some court record didn’t use real names,or the record about him was lost.
  最后再给大家一点建议: 综合不要写得太长,题目上说要225字,我觉得超出一点没有关系,但是保持在260字以内最好,曾经有一个哥们写了400多字结果只有一个FAIR,我觉得原因是他把READING 中的话大段大段的抄在了自己作文上。这点大家一定要慎重! READING 可以抄,一两句话即可,抄上中心思想,重点意思就OK 了。当然自己归纳也是可行的。