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  Task 1: 三选一: working with children, with community, 还一个忘了;
  Task 2: some people think students should study in classroom and other believe they should visit museum and zoo, which one do you like?
  Task 3:
  Reading: a letter from a student: student writing center is crowded;
  Suggestion: 1. hire more tutors(current 2); 2. open on weekends (currently only M-F)
  woman : agree
  1. student would not need to wait for a long time with more tutors
  2. student usually have free schedule in weekends because they have no class on weekends unless they have to work, then there will be less people in weekdays
  Task 4:
  Reading: Generation effect: customers would remember th name of products if they generate themselves
  Lecture: a research demonstrate this theory
  two commercials for a soft drink
  First: repeat the name and characteristics of the drink several times, but in later interview most people forgot the name;
  Second, same as the first one, but ends with a question: What is the name of the soft drink? Then nearly all people could name it later.
  Task 5:
  Girl's problem: group guitar class canceld due to too few students
  Her solutions:
  1. hire a prive teacher who would teach the course once a week , but too expensive
  2. buy a book for beginner with a CD, it is cheaper but she is not sure if she could follow
  Task 6:
  lecture: ecotourism
 traditional tourism do harm to the environment, pollution and damage
  ecotourism: reduce the pollution while repair the damage
  Example 1 walk and hike on mountain instead of taking the bus because the former do less pollution Example 2 teach tourists environmental issues and help to repair damage: plant trees in the damaged rainforest.
  阅读材料讲wetland 里面鬼火 will-o'-the-wisp 的原因,三个:1)埋在里面的有机体释放出可燃的气体;2)是一种electric spark;3)一种能发光的蘑菇附着在鸟身上.
  听力反驳:1)可燃气体是不动的,但是人们看见的鬼火是move around;2)electric spark是在wetland下面的rock中生成的,不会跑到上面来;3)这种蘑菇的发光物质在体内,要broken into pieces 才有用,但是这种物质不sticky,所以会从鸟身上掉下来.
  大作文:the advice from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.
  1)讲鸟怎么学唱歌,三种方式:遗传,听自己唱然后不断纠正,听别个成年鸟唱然后学. 证明遗传是说有些鸟把蛋下在别个窝里,然后幼鸟由别个养大但是一样能唱歌;证明学习时说聋鸟虽然也能唱但是不完整。最后说鸟的唱歌很精确到有很多dialect,然后鸟夫妻们利用这种dialect 的区别来找到对方。最后一段是说他们之间相互模仿能够达到唱到一样的程度;
  2)讲海龟靠什么导航。一开始说不可能是星星,因为海龟眼神不好。 也不可能是气味,因为在过程中有气味干扰但是海龟依然能找对方向。接下来一个实验证明磁场也不可能。但是有一个结论是海龟可能是用combine几种方法,在靠近目的地是味道是有用的(这里有题)。最后一种解释,是海龟体内的一种DNA,它能记录海龟被孵化出的地点(也就是他们去的地方),并且由母海龟遗传给小海龟。最后说有一个例子可以证明:从前在加勒比海的一个地方有很多绿海龟,但是后来捕杀很严重海龟们就不去了;近几年虽然又保护起来了但是海龟们来得仍然很少。
  3)local wind 三篇里面最简单的一个,基本上地理过关的不用看文章就能做题。开头先解释什么是local wind,并说其实并不local而是一个大系统的一部分,有题。后面主要讲了两种风:sea-land wind 和valley-mountain wind。白天陆地升温快形成低气压,于是风从海往陆地吹,能够降低陆地温度;晚上陆地降温快形成高气压于是风从陆地往海吹。这一现象跟纬度有关系,热带最明显,中纬度就不那么强烈,高纬度就几乎注意不到。第二种风,白天山面的空气受热快向上爬升形成valley wind,这个风会产生雷阵雨;晚上反之形成mountain wind (这里有题问mountain wind的原理是什么),这个风很冷会冻伤农作物(有题)。