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  7点40分,重新走进考场,这时离开始时间还有一分钟,我听到有几个同学已在做Speaking部分的题了, 因此也大致了解了将考的口语题的内容。因为口语部分有听力材料,我重新戴上耳机,仍感到周围的答题声干扰比较大,就急中生智,迅速把耳机音量放大-----整个世界清净多了!口语部分从内容到形式都是No Surprise。 第一题要求Choose an important invention since the 20th century and talk about how it affected your life. 第二题是Discuss if college education is necessary for one’s successful career. 第三题要求先读一份学校computer lab雇佣student worker政策变化的Statement, 然后是男女两人的评论对话,要求概括对话主角男生的观点和他的理由。(To ensure the quality of students working in the computer lab, the new policy requires that only the students taking introductory computer courses can work there. But the male student holds that it does not work. A requirement on the grades is also needed. In addition, a student worker can only deal with some minor issues. When some problems such as computer viruses occur, a professional technician is still necessary. )第四题是关于Political Economy中著名的“外部性”问题。(“Positive externality” can be simply referred to as a situation in which people without direct dealings with a company benefit from its activities. Sometimes, the government should assist a business company to make “positive externality” possible. For example, a local government may financially assist a bus company to buy new buses causing less air pollution so that the average residents in that area will enjoy cleaner air.) 本题要求应用讲座材料解释 “外部性”的概念。第五题是二人对话。 (The male student tells the female student that he’s often been late for a psychology class whose instructor is his favorite professor because he takes a job on night shift. The female student suggests that he change his job but he does not want to do that because he is well-paid for his current job to cover his daily expenditures. But he has another option which is to switch to a different class with the same course content but a different professor. Which option should the male student take? )第六题的学术讲座是关于 photographers’ change of attitudes toward industrialism in the 19th and 20th century. 口语部分的六题都不出学术和校园生活两方面,但加入了阅读听力的要求,考察的是运用英语的综合能力。由于准备和答题时间都比较少,平时的针对性强化训练就显得重要了。

  口语部分很快结束,接下来的是最后一项-写作部分。第一部分综合写作要求概括听力材料反驳阅读材料中关于电子眼(speed camera)作用的观点。 阅读材料认为Speed Camera 有如下作用:1。Warning people to drive more safely; 2. Freeing police force patrolling the highway so that they can do other work; 3 Making courts’ decision on ticket disputes more easily so as to relieve court congestion. 听力材料中的Lecturer 逐条反驳了上述观点。

  点评:此题中的读、听材料都采取分条叙述方式,条理性较强,破、立点对应关系明确。但要注意不要单纯概括Lecture要点,还要分析和解释它是如何质疑和反驳阅读材料里的观点的。如Lecture的第一点是:电子眼的出现会使某些司机玩“老鼠逗猫 ”的游戏,即只在电子眼附近减速,在两个电子眼之间的路段就超速。但仅概括这些内容还不够,还要继续阐明上述观点如何有力地质疑了阅读材料中关于电子眼可以督促司机安全驾驶的观点。

  独立写作部分要求讨论一个教育问题:Is it more important for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence or to teach them specific knowledge? 题目仍要求Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

  点评:这是一道观点比较题,因此既要“论”,又要“比”:即如果选A,不仅要论述A的重要,还要说明为什么A比B重要。我选择了:帮学生获得自信更重要。理由列了两条:第一条:A student with high-level self-confidence will study specific knowledge more actively, more wisely and more efficiently. On the contrary, one can hardly find a person who succeeds in a task when he doubts his or her ability. 第二条理由:One may forget most of his or her specific knowledge taught at school, but a trait such as self-confidence formed during the school age may affect and benefit him for his whole life. A teacher is just in the best position to help those young people develop such invaluable traits…….两篇文章都按时完成,不足的是第二篇余下的检查时间太少,只有两分钟。写作文时本想拿掉耳机,但刚一取下,只听得满屋的敲键声,索性戴着耳机写到了最后。