careen v.使船倾倒;使侧倾 [<L carina KEEL龙骨]
caress v.抚爱 [<L carus dear]
caricature n.讽刺画;讽刺 [<caricare load, exaggerate]
carmine n.洋红色 [<carmesinum crimson+minium cinnabar1(矿)辰砂,朱砂 鲜红色,朱红色(vermilion)]
carnage n.大屠杀;残杀 [<L caro carnis flesh]
carnal a.肉体的 [<caro carnis flesh]
carnivorous a.食肉的 [<caro carnis flesh+-VOROUS carnivore 食肉动物;食虫植物]
carouse n.v.酒宴;痛饮;狂欢 [orig as adv = right out, in phr drink carouse<G gar aus trinken carousal喧闹的酒会]
carping a.吹毛求疵的
carrion n.腐臭的尸体 [ME<AF & ONF caroine, -oigne, OF charoigne ult<L caro flesh]
cartographer n.制图者 [carto纸+grapher]
carve v.雕刻;切成薄片;开拓 [OE ceorfan cut<WG]
cascade n.小瀑布 [F<It cascata<cascare to fall ult<L casus: CASE(<L."发生的事")情形,场合;事例]
caste n.印度世袭阶级;阶级制度 [<casto pure, CHASTE(<L."无缺点的,纯洁的")1<女子>(肉体上)纯洁的,贞洁的]
castigate v.谴责;惩治 [L castigare reprove<castus pure castigation 强烈申斥;反对;鞭打;惩罚]
casualty n.意外;灾祸 [ME<medL casualitas(CASUAL), after ROYALTY etc]
casuistry n.诡辩;曲解 [casuist 诡辩家 F casuiste <Sp. casuista <L casus CASE]
cataclysm n.洪水;剧变 [cata向下的+clysm=kluzo洗 catacomb地下墓穴 catalogue分类目录 clyster(医)灌肠]
catalyst n.催化剂 [cata+lysis溶解 after analyst catalysis接触反应,催化作用]
catapult n.弹弩;发射机 [F catapulte or L catapulta<Gk katapeltes(CATA-, pallo hurl)]
catastrophe n.大灾难 [cata+strophe turning]
catechism n.问答形式的教授法 [CATECHIZE 以问答方式讲授;盘问 catechizer 口试者 catechist 传道师;盘问者;采用问答式教学者]
categorical a.绝对的 [CATEGORY 种类]
cater v.承办酒席;迎合 [<acater buy; cate n.佳肴,美食]
catharsis n.导泻;净化 [<kathairo cleanse cathartic通便的;洗涤(胃肠)的;泻药]
catholic a.宽容的;广泛的 [<kata in respect of+holos whole Catholic天主教]
caucus n.干部会议;核心人物 [18th-c US, perh<Algonquin cau' -cau-as' u adviser]
caustic a.腐蚀性的;刻薄的 [<kaustos burnt<kaio burn]
cauterize v.灼烧 [<kaio burn]
cavalcade n.车队等的行列 [<cavalcare ride ult<L caballus pack-horse]
cavil v.吹毛求疵;苛责 [<L cavillari<cavilla mockery 嘲弄;蔑视]
cavity n.空穴;空腔;蛀牙洞 [<L cavus hollow洞]
cede v.割让;让步 [<L cedere yield]
celebrity n.名声;名人 [<celebr有名的+ity CELEBRATED 驰名的,有名的]
celerity n.快速 [<celer swift]
celestial a.天上的 [CELESTE天空]
celibate a.
coterminous a.毗连的;有共同边界的 [也写作contermious, con+term边界,结束;terminate结束]
couch n.床;睡椅;麦牙糖 [var of QUITCH =quitch grass 茅草]
counterfeit a.n.v.假冒的;伪作;骗子 [E<OF countrefet, -fait, pp. of contrefaire]
countermand v.撤回;取消 [ME<OF contremander<medL contramandare(CONTRA-, mandare order)]
counterpart n.相对物;极相似之物 [counterpane(装饰用的)床罩,床单 counterpiston 逆活塞]
coupling n.联结;联合体
covenant n.契约;盟约 [ME<OF, pres part of co(n)venir, formed as CONVENE召集;集合]
covert a.暗地的;隐藏的 [ME<OF covert pp. of covrir COVER]
covetous a.贪婪的 [ME<OF coveitous<Gallo-Roman be ~ of another person's property 贪图他人财产]
cower v.畏缩;退缩 [ME<MLG kuren lie in wait COW 恐吓;威胁]
coxcomb n.纨绔子弟;花花公子
[鸡冠花(cockscomb)= cock's comb(see COCK), orig(a cap worn by)a jester(尤指中世纪王侯、贵族所豢 养的)小丑,弄臣
coy a.害羞的 [ME<OF coi, quei<L quietus QUIET]
cozen v.欺骗 [16th-c perh rel to COUSIN 堂兄弟(姊妹) cozen a person of (out of) something=~ something of (out of) a] [person 骗取某人的某物 cozenage 欺骗,哄骗]
cozy a.温暖而舒适的 [同COSY a ~ little restaurant 舒适雅致的小餐厅 cozy up to a person(美口语)博取<某人>的欢心, 好]<[某人>]
crabbed a.乖戾的;暴躁的 [ME<CRAB, assoc with CRAB 蟹]
cracker n.爆竹,摔爆;一种装有糖果
cram v.填塞;仓促用功 [OE crammian<Gmc cramming adj]
cranky a.胡思乱想的;发疯的 [perh<obs crank rogue feigning sickness CRANK 曲柄;弯曲,虚浮的委婉话]
crass a.粗鲁的;愚蠢的 [L crassus solid, thick]
craven a.懦弱的 [<L crepare burst;assim to -EN]
crease n.v.皱痕;(使)起皱痕
credence n.相信 [<medL credentia<credere believe]
credo n.信条 [ME<L, = I believe]
credulity n.轻信;易信 [L credulus<credere believe]
creed n.教义;信条 [OE creda<L CREDO]
creek n.小湾;小溪 [<MDu kreke(or<crike by lengthening)]
crepuscular a.在晨曦时刻活动的 [L crepusculum twilight(日出前的)微明,晓光;曙光;(较常指日落后的)黄昏,薄暮]
crestfallen a.垂头丧气的 [CREST鸡冠+FALLEN]
crevice n.裂缝;破口 [ME<OF crevace<crever burst<L crepare]
cringe n.v.畏缩;奉承 [ME crenge, crenche, OE cringan, crincan: CRANK脾气暴躁的 cringing 谄媚的;奉承的]
cripple n.跛子;残废的 [OE crypel, rel to CREEP 爬行,匍匐]
crisp a.脆的;活泼的 [OE<L crispus curled卷曲]
criterion n.标准;定规 [Gk kriterion means of judging(cf CRITIC)]
crooked a.有钩的;弯曲的;秘密造的 [ME<CROOK, prob after ON kr*k*ttr crook屈曲,弯曲部;曲柄拐杖]
cross a.不高兴的 [OE cros<ON kross<OIr cros<L crux cruc-]
crotchety a.思想奇怪的;怪僻的 [CROTCHET奇想;反复无常+-Y]
crude a.未提炼的;生的;粗野 [ME<L crudus raw, rough crudity 未成熟;生硬;粗杂;粗糙粗野的行为 (言辞)]
crumble v.粉碎;崩溃;灭亡 [ME<OE, formed as CRUMB;The old wall is crumbling away at the edges 那道古墙的边缘逐渐崩塌]
crunch v.嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;压碎
[同scrunch earlier cranch, assim to munch用力嚼 A dog was ~ing on a bone 一只狗在咯吱咯吱地 啃 着骨头
crusade n.十字军;圣战;改革运动
[earlier croisade(F<croix cross)or crusado(Sp<cruz cross)crusader 十字军战士 改革运动者 crusado(铸有 十字架之)葡萄牙古金币或银币
crux n.紧要关头;要点 [L, = cross(<L."十字形")the ~ of a problem 问题的核心 cruzeiro 巴西的货币单位(相当于美金 5.4 cents] [(1965))]
cryogenic a.低温的;低温学的
[cryogen (化学)致冷剂;冷冻剂 cryo- (用于复合字中) 表"冰冷,严寒"之义,如: cryometer低温计 (内装 酒精,而非水银)
cryptic a.神秘的;隐藏的 [LL crypticus<Gk kruptikos(CRYPTO-)]
cryptogram n.密码 [cryptogrammic 亦作cryptogammatic 密码的;暗号的;似密码或暗号的 crypto (复合用词)表示"隐的,秘密的"]
cuddle v.抚爱地怀抱;贴着身睡 [16th c: perh<dial couth snug舒适的]
cuisine n.烹调;烹饪法 [F<L coquina<coquere to cook]
culinary a.厨房的;烹调的 [L culinarius<culina kitchen]
cull v.拣选;剔除 [ME<OF coillier etc ult<L colligere COLLECT]
culmination n.顶点;最高潮
[the ~ of one's ambition 某人雄心 (抱负) 的极致 2(天文)通过子午线,中天 culminate 到达最高点 ( 极点,绝顶) ;达到最高潮 (极盛)
culpable a.该受谴责的 [<L culpabilis<culpare<culpa blame]
cultivate v.耕种 [medL cultivare<cultiva(terra)arable(land)(CULT)]
cultivating n.力求与人交往
cupidity n.贪婪 [ME<OF cupidite or L cupiditas<cupidus desirous]
curb n.马勒;控制 [ME<OF courber<L curvare bend, CURVE曲线;弯曲]
curmudgeon n.守财奴 [curly 鬈发的;卷曲的;卷缩的 curr(鸽、猫等)发咕咕声;发呜呜声 currant 小粒的无子葡萄干]
curry v.制革;曲意逢迎 [ME<OF correier ult<Gmc]
cursive a.草体的 [medL(scriptura)cursiva<L currere curs- run]
cursory a.匆促的;粗略的 [L cursorius of a runner(CURSOR计算尺游标)]
curtail v.缩短;缩减 [<F courtault<court short<L curtus: assim to tail]
cushion n.垫子;后腿肉;缓解 [<L mattress, 拉丁"腰,臀"a ~ against inflation 缓解通货膨胀的政策 The grass ~ed his fall 草坪缓和了他坠落时的撞积 pincushion(裁缝用)针垫
custody n.监护;保管 [L custodia<custos -odis guardian custodian管理人;看守人, after guardian]
cute a.聪明的;可爱的 [shortening of ACUTE敏锐的]
cyclopean a.巨大的 [独眼巨人 Cyclops(似)的;cyclopia(医)独眼畸形]
cynic n.愤世嫉俗;不信人间真情 [L cynicus<Gk kunikos<kuon kunos dog, nickname for a Cynic CYNICAL不相信人间有真情的 cynicism] [愤世嫉俗,讥嘲的习癖]
cynosure n.众人注目之的
[<Gk kunosoura dog's tail, Ursa Minor<kuon kunos dog+oura tail cynosural 引人注意的 cynocephalous 似狗头的;似犬面的
cytology n.细胞学 [cyto-, cyt- 表"细胞"之义 cytologist 细胞学家 cytokinesis (细胞分裂时之) 细胞浆移动;原浆移动] [cytochrome 细胞色素 cytogenous 细胞合成的]
dabble v.涉足;浅赏 [16th c:<Du dabbelen or DAB (用)轻敲,轻抚,轻按,轻敷,轻扑(with)(又作 dab hand)(英口语)好手;高手],[ 专家(at)
dainty a.优美的;讲究的;好吃的 [AF dainte, OF daintie, deintie<L dignitas -tatis<dignus worthy]
dais n.讲台 [ME<OF deis<L discus disc, dish, in medL = table]
dally v.嬉戏;玩弄 [ME<OF dalier chat dalliance戏弄;荒唐度日]
dampen v.弄湿;使消沉;挫锐气
dandy n.好时髦的人;好打扮的 [18th c: perh orig = Andrew
donor n.给予者 [ME<AF donour, OF doneur<L donator -oris<donare give]
dormant a.蛰伏的;休止的 [ME<OF, pres part of dormir<L dormire sleep]
dorsal a.背的;背部的 [F dorsal or LL dorsalis<L dorsum back]
dose n.v.一服;安排;混合物 [F<LL dosis<Gk dosis gift<didomi give DOSAGE下药;配药;剂量]
dotage n.老年糊涂;溺爱
dote v.衰老;年老昏慵;溺爱 [同DOAT ME, corresp to MDu doten be silly DOTING沉溺于爱的,溺爱的]
doughty a.勇敢的;坚强的 [OE dohtig var of dyhtig<Gmc]
dour a.闷闷不乐的 [ME(orig Sc), prob<Gael dull, obstinate, perh<L durus hard]
doze v.小睡 [17th c: cf Da d*se make drowsy]
draconian a.苛刻的 [Draco 雅典立法者]
draft n.草稿;汇票 [phonetic spelling of DRAUGHT草稿;汇票;起草;征兵]
drape v.悬挂的布 [ME<OF draper<drap<LL drappus cloth]
drawl v.n.懒洋洋地说;慢慢地说 [16th c: prob orig cant,<LG, Du dralen delay, linger(<OE "拖延")残留;徘徊;]
dreary a.沉寂的;可怕的;荒凉的 [OE dreorig<dreor gore: rel to dreosan to drop<Gmc]
dregs n.渣滓;最无用的部分 [dreg 渣滓,沉淀物,糟粕,废物;微量;些微]
drizzle v.下细雨 [prob<ME drese, OE dreosan fall drizzly n]
droll a.有趣的;滑稽的 [F dr e, perh<MDu drolle little man]
drone n.雄蜂;翁翁声;翁翁作声 [OE dran, dr'n prob<WG]
dross n.渣滓;无用之物 [OE dros: cf MLG drosem, OHG truosana]
drudgery n.乏味的工作;贱役 [durdge贱役;苦工;书呆子]
dubious a.怀疑的;可疑的 [L dubiosus<dubium doubt dubitation 怀疑,半信半疑]
ductile a.易变形的;柔软的;驯良的 [ME<OF ductile or L ductilis<ducere duct- lead]
dudgeon n.愤怒 [in(a)high ~ 极为愤怒]
dulcet a.悦耳的 [ME, earlier doucet<OF dimin of doux<L dulcis sweet]
duplicity n.欺骗;口是心非 [ME<OF duplicite or LL duplicitas(DUPLEX)]
durance n.禁锢;监禁 [ME<F<durer last<L durare: DURABLE]
dwindle v.日益减小;缩小;衰落 [dwine fade away<OE dwinan, ON dvina]
dynamic a.精力充沛的 [F dynamique<Gk dunamikos<dunamis power]
dyspeptic a.消化不良;忧郁 [dyspepsia(-sy)n L dyspepsia<Gk duspepsia(DYS-, peptos cooked, digested)]
earthy a.粗俗的
ebb v.退潮;潮落 [OE ebba, ebbian]
ebullient a.热情洋溢的 [L ebullire ebullient- bubble out(E-, bullire boil)ebullience -cy 沸腾;(情感的)迸发,热狂]
eccentric a.奇人;离心圆 [LL eccentricus<Gk ekkentros<ek out of+kentros CENTRE eccentricity n]
ecclesiastic a.教会的;神职者的 [F ecclesiastique or LL ecclesiasticus<Gk ekklesiastikos<ekklesia assembly, church: ECCLESIAL教 的];[教会机构的]
eclecticism n.折衷主义 [Gk eklektikos<eklego pick out]
eclipse n.v.蚀;光之丧失;暗然失色 [ME<OF<L<Gk ekleipsis<ekleipo fail to appear, be eclipsed<leipo leave]
ecology n.生态学;社会生态学 [G ologie<Gk oikos house]
ecstasy n.狂喜;忘形
[ME<OF extasie<LL extasis<Gk ekstasis standing outside oneself<ek out+histemi to place ecstatic欣喜 若狂的,忘形的 恍惚 (陶醉) 的;心旷神怡的
ecumenical a.普通的;全基督教会的 [LL oecumenicus<Gk oikoumenikos of the inhabited earth(oikoumene)]
eddy n.漩涡;卷涡;旋风;漩卷 [prob OE ed- again, back, perh of Scand orig]
edify v.陶冶;教化;启发 [ME<OF edifier<L aedificare(EDIFICE)edification n]
educe v.引出;演绎 [ME<L educere educt- lead out(E-, ducere lead)]
eerie a.奇异的;怪诞的 [orig NEngl and Sc eri, of obscure orig: cf OE earg cowardly]
efface v.抹掉 [F effacer(EX-, FACE)]
effectual a.有效的 [ME<medL effectualis(EFFECT)]
effervesce v.冒泡;兴奋 [L effervescere(EX-, fervere be hot)]
effete a.疲惫的;枯竭的 [L effetus worn out by bearing young(EX-, FOETUS= fetus(生物)胎儿]
efficacy n.功效;效力
effigy n.肖像 [L effigies<effingere to fashion]
effluvium n.恶臭;臭气 [L(EFFLUENT)]
effrontery n.厚颜无耻 [F effronterie<effronte ult<LL effrons -ontis shameless(EX-, frons forehead)]
effulgent a.光辉的;灿烂的 [L effulgere shine forth(EX-, fulgere shine)]
effusive a.流出的;感情横溢的
egoism n.自私;自负;自我主义 [F egoisme ult<modL egoismus(EGO(<L."我")1(哲心理)自我(口语)自大;自尊心]
egotism n.自负;自大 [EGO+-ISM with intrusive -t-]
egregious a.非常的;过分的 [L egregius illustrious, lit 'standing out from the flock'<grex gregis flock]
egress n.出去;出口 [L egressus<egredi egress-(E-, gradi to step)]
ejaculation n.绝叫;失声 [L ejaculari to dart(E-, jaculum javelin标枪) ejaculate 突然叫出来,忽然说出来;射出(液体)]
elaborate v.尽心竭力地做 [L elaboratus pp. of elaborare(E-, labor work)]
elasticity n.弹性;伸缩力 [modL elasticus<Gk elastikos propulsive<elauno drive elastic有弹性的,伸缩自如的 an ~ string 松紧带]
elicit v.诱出;引出 [L elicere elicit-(E-, lacere entice)]
eliminate v.消除 [L eliminare(E-, limen liminis threshold(<OE "踩踏物")门槛;入口 (事物的) 开始,开端(of) He is on the ~] of [adulthood]
elite n.精华;精锐;社会名流
eloquent a.雄辩的;富于表现力的 [L eloqui(E-, loqui speak)ELOQUENCE雄辩,口才]
elucidate v.阐明;说明 [LL elucidare(E-, LUCID透明的;透彻的)]
elude v.躲避;困惑
[L eludere elus-(E-, ludere play)~ pursuit 逃避追踪 ~ the law 逃避法网 ~ a person's understanding<问 题等>叫人无法捉 摸,令人困惑
elusive a.难懂的;难捉摸的 [an ~ answer 遁辞 track down an ~ fact 追查难以明了的事实]
emaciated a.瘦弱的;憔悴的 [L emaciare emaciat-(E-, macies leanness)]
emanate v.流出;发散 [L emanare flow out]
emancipate v.解放;解除 [L emancipare transfer property(E-, manus hand+capere take)]
embargo v.n.禁止通商;妨害 [Sp<embargar arrest<Rmc(IN-, BAR禁止)]
embed v.埋藏;埋入;深留心中 [The scene was embedded in his memory 那一幕情景 深深地留在他的记忆]
embellish v.装饰;布置 [ME<OF embellir(EN-, bel handsome<L bellus)]
embezzlement n.盗用;私用 [em+bezzle破坏 EMBEZZLE盗用;侵吞]
emblazon v.饰以纹章 [同BLAZON以纹章装饰]
emblem n.v.象征;典型;寓意画 [ME<L emblema<Gk
fervent a.强烈的;热情的 [ME<OF<L fervere boil fervid热情的 fervor热诚;热心;炽热]
fester v.化脓;腐败 [ME<obs fester(n)or OF festrir,<OF festre<L fistula: FISTULA管;楼管]
fete v.招待;庆祝;庆典;节日 [a garden (lawn) ~(美)园游会 a national ~ 国定节日]
fetid a.臭的;有恶臭的 [L fetidus<fetere stink发出恶臭的]
fetish n.被认为有神灵之物;偶像 [F fetiche<Port feiti charm: orig adj = made by art,<L factitius FACTITIOUS 人为的,人工的;做作的],[ 不自然的
feud n.争执;领地;不和;争执 [medL feudum: FEE]
fiasco n.完全失败 [It, = bottle(with unexplained allusion): FLASK烧瓶;小水瓶]
fiat n.命令 [L, = let it be done by fiat 以(绝对)命令]
fickle a.多变的;不专的 [OE ficol;cf befician deceive, f'cne deceitful]
fictitious a.虚构的;佯装的 [L ficticius(FICTILE 塑造的;可塑造的 粘土制的;陶土制的 It's a ~ deity 这是用粘土塑的神像 Sanhsia] [is famous for its ~ ware 三峡以陶器闻名]
fidelity n.忠诚 [F fidelite or L fidelitas(FEALTY忠诚)]
fidget v.烦躁之人 [obs or dial fidge to twitch fidgety 坐立不安的;不安定的]
fiduciary a.受托的;信托的 [L fiduciarius(FIDUCIAL基准的;根据信仰的;信托的)]
fierce a.粗暴的;凶猛的 [ME<AF fers, OF fiers fier proud<L ferus savage]
fiery a.火的,燃烧的;炯炯的
figment n.虚构的事物 [ME<L figmentum, rel to fingere fashion]
filch v.偷窃(不贵重的东西) [16th-c thieves' sl He ~ed a piece of chalk from the teacher's desk 他从老师的书桌上偷取一支粉笔]
file n.锉刀;推敲;锉;陶冶 [FILINGS锉屑]
filial a.子女的 [ME<OF filial or LL filialis<filius son, filia daughter FILIAL PIETY孝心]
filth n.污物;猥亵;猥亵语 [OE fylth(FOUL, -TH)filthy不洁的;污秽的]
finable a.可罚款的;应罚款的
finale n.终局;结尾 [It(FINAL)]
finesse n.手法;技巧 [F, rel to FINE]
finicky a.苛求的;太过讲究的 [单词FINICAL的变体,<FINE+ical]
finite a.有限的 [L finitus pp. of finire FINISH]
firmament n.天空;苍天 [ME<OF<L firmamentum<firmare(FIRM)(<L."支撑")] fissile a.易分裂的;易裂的 [L fissilis(FISSURE裂缝;裂开)]
fissure n.裂缝 [ME<OF fissure or L fissura<findere fiss- cleave]
fitful a.断续的;一阵阵的;不安的 [a ~ wind 一阵阵的风]
flabby a.软弱的;意志薄弱的 [alt of earlier flappy<FLAP拍打,飘动]
flaccid a.软弱的;没力气的 [F flaccide or L flaccidus<flaccus flabby]
flag v.衰退;枯萎 [flagging adj萎靡的;疲惫的 FLAGGY松软的;疲惫的]
flagellate v.鞭打 [flagellant鞭笞者,严厉批评的 flagellum鞭子;鞭毛]
flagrant a.恶名昭彰的;声名狼籍的 [F flagrant or L flagrant- part stem of flagrare blaze火焰;燃烧]
flail v.用连枷打;击打 [OE prob<L FLAGELLUM鞭;鞭毛]
flair n.才能;本领 [F flairer to smell ult<L fragrare: FRAGRANT芬芳的]
flamboyant a.灿烂的;华丽的 [F(in Archit sense), pres part of flamboyer<flambe: FLAMBEAU火把;大烛台 flamboyance火红,华丽; 丽];[灿烂夺目]v请分开v
flare v.(火焰)摇曳;闪烁
[The torches ~d in the wind 那些火炬的火焰在风中摇曳 My stomach ulcer has ~d up again 我的胃溃 疡突然又发作了 flareback 火舌回闪;反驳
flaunt v.炫耀;张扬 [Flags are ~ing in the breeze 旗子在微风中飘扬 ~ one's riches in public 在大众面前炫耀自己的财富]
flaw n.裂缝;缺陷 [flawless无瑕疵的,无缺点的]
flay v.剥皮;劫夺;严厉斥责 [OE flean<Gmc]
fleck v.斑点;微粒 [perh<ON flekkr(n), flekka(v), or MLG, MDu vlecke, OHG flec, fleccho;fleche(法、建)尖顶塔]
fledgling a.n.无经验的(年轻人) [FLEDGE+-LING]
fleece n.羊毛;柔软的织品;诈取 [OE fleos, fles<WG I was ~d of what little I had 我所有的一点 钱都被骗走了]
fleeting a.飞逝的;疾驰的;短暂的 [FLEET+-ING]
flexible a.易曲的;柔韧的;能变形的 [ME<OF flexible or L flexibilis(FLEX)flex弯曲]
flick n.轻打;轻弹 [go to the ~s 去看电影 He ~ed me in the face 他(用指尖)轻弹我的脸]
flicker n.火光闪动 [imit of its note]
flighty a.轻浮的;心情浮动的 [FLIGHT飞行;飞跃+Y]
flimsy a.脆弱的;薄弱的 [17th c: prob<FLIMFLAM: cf TIPSY微醉的;(酒后)步伐蹒跚的 walk with a ~ step(酒醉而)步伐蹒跚] [走]
flinch v.退缩
[Without ~ing he dashed into the burning house to save the children 他毫不畏缩地冲进在燃烧的房 屋 中去救小孩
fling v.抛;突然伸出;用力摇动 [He flung a stream of abuse at me 他冲着我乱 骂一通 He was flung into jail 他被关进监狱 She angrily] [flung up her head 她生气地抬起头]
flint n.打火石;燧石
flippant a.言语尖刻的;无礼的 [FLIP蹦跳+-ANT FLIPPANCY无礼;言语尖刻]
flirt v.调情取乐;调戏;用力摇动 [imit flirtatious爱调戏的;轻浮的]
flock n.群;聚集;成群地去 [ME<OF floc<L floccus]
floppy a.懒散的;邋遢的 [floppy disk(电算)软磁碟]
flora n.植物志;植物群
[modL<the name of the goddess of flowers<L flos floris flower (植)galingale 一种姜科植物的根。萱的一 种(英国产)
florid a.华丽的;鲜红的 [F floride or L floridus<flos floris flower]
flotsam n.遇难船的残骸或漂流货物 [AF floteson<floter FLOAT)flounce 冲出,冲入扭动身体,挣扎,打滚]
flout v.轻视;嘲弄;违抗 [perh<Du fluiten whistle, hiss: cf FLUTE笛子]
fluency n.流利;雄辩
fluffy a.绒毛的;毛茸茸的;无聊的
fluke n.比目鱼;马铃薯;偶然机会 [16th c: perh<FLUKE (常 ~s)锚爪,锚钩 侥幸的击中;侥幸 win by(a)~ 侥幸得胜]
flunk n.v.考试不及格;断绝关系
[cf FUNK 却懦;畏缩 and obs flink be a coward)He ~ed the course 他那一科考试不及格(flinch 与 funk 的混合语)
flush n.疾风;飞起;水淹;脸红 [BLUSH 脸红]
fluster v.使紧张;使慌乱 [cf Icel flaustr(a)hurry, bustle]
fluted a.有凹槽的 [flute 笛,横笛(建筑)(柱子上的)长凹槽,凹槽雕刻 用横笛演奏<曲子>]
flux n.流动;不断的改变 [ME<OF flux or L fluxus<fluere flux- flow fluctuant 变动的;波动的;起伏的]
foible n.弱点;小缺点 [F, obs form of faible(FEEBLE衰弱的;无效的)]
foil n.薄金属片;圆头剑;阻挠 [<foli FOLIAGE树叶]
foist v.混入;蒙骗 [orig of palming a false die,<Du dial vuisten take in the hand<vuist FIST拳头;手]
fold n.折褶;羊栏;折摺 [OE fald]
foliage n.叶(集合称) [ME<F feuillage<feuille leaf<OF foille: FOIL]
follies n.时事讽刺舞台剧
foment v.煽动 [ME<F fomenter<LL fomentare<L fomentum poultice, lotion<fovere heat, cherish fomentation n煽动; 起];[助长]
foolhardy a.鲁莽的 [ME<OF folhardi<fol foolish+hardi bold]
footle n.梦话;做笨事;胡闹;浪费 [19th c: perh<dial
handicap n.v.障碍;困难;妨碍
handle n.柄;把手;处理;操作 [OE handle, handlian(HAND)]
hap n.运气 [ME<ON happ hapless不幸的;倒楣的]
haphazard a.偶然的;随便的 [HAP+HAZARD]
harangue n.长篇的高谈阔论 [ME<F<OF arenge<medL harenga, perh<Gmc]
harass v.使烦恼 [F harasser<OF harer set a dog on harassment 烦恼;侵扰;困苦]
harbinger n.先兆;先驱者 [earlier = 'one who provides lodging': ME herbergere<OF<herberge lodging<Gmc]
harbor n.港弯;避难所;隐匿
hardy a.耐劳的;强健的;耐寒的 [ME<OF hardi pp. of hardir become bold,<Gmc, rel to HARD]
harping n.反复述说 [harpins(造船)(支持船端框架)临时木材]
harridan n.恶妇;丑老太婆 [17th-c cant, perhaps<F haridelle old horse HARD-RIDDEN]
harrow v.以耙掘;伤害 [ME<ON hervi BARROW独轮车 HAROWING苦难的;痛心的]
harry v.袭击 [Guerrillas harried our rear 游击队执拗地攻击我们的后方 Harry魔鬼;恶魔by the Lord ~ 誓必;必然 play] [Old ~ with弄坏]
hasten v.催促;促进;赶快;急行
hatch v.n.孵化;舱口;加阴影 [ME<F hacher<hache HATCHET]
haughty a.傲慢的;自大的 [HAUGHTINESS 傲慢]
haul v.拖;拉 [var of HALE 猛拉;拖曳;(尤指老人)健壮的,矍铄的]
hauteur n.傲慢;摆架子 [F<haut high]
havoc n.大荒废;大破坏 [ME<AF havok<OF havo(t), cry ~ 发掠夺(暴行)的号令;鼓动暴行]
hawser n.大缆;大索 [<OF haucier hoist升高;举起 ult<L altus high]
hazard n.v.危险;孤注一掷;偶然 [ME<OF hasard<Sp azar<Arab az-zahr chance, luck hazadous危险的]
hazy a.有雾的;模糊的 [17th c in Naut use]
heap n.v.累积;堆积;大量 [OE heap, heapian<Gmc]
heathen n.a.异教徒;野蛮的 [本来的意思是"住在长着石南的荒野之人", 罗马帝国时代, 基督教在都市 比在乡村扩展得迅速,]所 [住在heathen之人多半不是基督徒 因此 heathen就转变为]
heave v.用力举起 [OE hebban<Gmc, rel to L capere take]
hectic a.发热的;紧张兴奋的
[ME etik<OF etique<LL hecticus<Gk hektikos habitual<hexis habit, assim to F hectique or LL a ~ fever 消耗热,痨病热 a ~ flush 痨病性潮红
hedge n.篱笆;障碍;围住;守卫
[OE hegg<Gmc a quickset ~ 树篱 a ~ of convention 因袭的障碍,习俗的束缚 He felt ~d in with rules 他觉得受到规则的限制
hedonism n.享乐主义;享乐 [Gk hedone pleasure HEDONISTIC享乐的;快乐论的;快乐主义的]
heed v.留心;注意 [OE hedan<WG heedless不留心的 ~to 对加以注意 take ~ to(of)留心于]
heedlessness n.不注意;调以轻心
heel n.踵;后脚跟;随从;倾斜 [prob<obs heeld, hield incline,<OE hieldan, OS -heldian<Gmc]
hefty a.重的;肌肉发达的 [a ~ blow 重重的一击 a ~ price 相当高的价格]
hegemony n.领导权;霸权;盟主权
[Gk hegemonia<hegemon leader<hegeomai lead(<G."指导者")hold ~ over ┅ 对握有领导 (统治,支配) 权]
heinous a.极恶的;可憎的 [ME<OF haineus ult<hair to hate<Frank heinie(蔑)德国人;德国兵]
heliotrope n.向日花 [<Gk heliotropion plant turning its flowers to the sun,<helios sun+-tropos<trepo turn helio-(用于复合 中])[表"太阳"之义, 如:heliograph 日照计]
helm n.v.驾驶盘;统治;操纵 [HELMSMAN 舵手]
helping n.帮助;协助;(食物的)一份
herald n.传令官;使者;传达;预告 [ME<OF herau(l)t, herauder<Gmc]
herd n.兽群;大众;放牧;聚集
[OE heord,(in sense 3)hirdi,<Gmc herdsman 牧人,牧者;家畜群的所有者 (看顾者) (the H~)(天文)牧人 座(Bootes)
heresy n.异端邪说;异教 [ME<OF(h)eresie,<ecclL haeresis, in L = school of thought,<Gk hairesis choice, sect<haireomai choose]
heretic n.持异端学说者;异教徒 [ME<OF heretique<ecclL haereticus<Gk hairetikos able to choose(HERESY)heretical 异教的;矣谒的]
heritage n.世袭的财产;继承物;传统 [ME<OF(HERITABLE a<财产等>可传让的 <性质、疾病等>遗传性的]
hermetically ad.密封的;不透气的 [modL hermeticus irreg<Hermes Trismegistus thrice-greatest Hermes(the founder of alchemy)hermit隐士], [居者,遁世者]
hermitage n.隐士的居处;隐庐葡萄酒 [ME<OF(h)ermitage(HERMIT隐士)]
heterogeneous a.异质的;不同的 [medL heterogeneus<Gk heterogenes(HETERO-, genos kind)]
hew v.砍;伐;削
[OE heawan<Gmc The cottage was hewn as under (in two) by an earthquake 那栋小屋被地震震得崩裂 ( 震裂为两半) 了 ~ down a tree 砍倒一棵树
hiatus n.空隙;裂缝 [L, = gaping<hiare gape(成大窟窿的)裂口,裂缝张口注视(),张口呆看(at)]
hibernal a.冬日的;寒冷的 [hibernacle 动物冬眠处]
hidebound a.顽固;气量狭的;皮包骨的 [HIDE皮+BOUND包裹;约束]
hideous a.可怕的;非常讨厌的 [ME hidous<AF hidous, OF hidos, -eus,<OF hide, hisde fear]
hierarchy n.阶级制度 [ME<OF ierarchie<medL(h)ierarchia<Gk hierarkhia HIERARCH 教主;掌权者]
hieroglyphic a.象形文字 [<Gk hieroglyphikos(HIERO-神, gluphikos<gluphe carving)]
highbrow n.a.知识分子;卖弄知识者
hilarious a.喜不自禁的;欢闹的 [L hilaris<Gk hilaros cheerful]
hinder v.妨碍;阻扰;阻碍;打扰 [hindrance 妨害,障碍,阻碍物]
hindmost a.最后方的 [hinder 后面的,后部的 hindgut(胚、动)后肠;尾肠]
hireling n.雇工;雇员 [OE hyrling(HIRE, -LING)]
hirsute a.多毛的;蓬乱的 [L hirsutus]
hiss v.n.发嘶嘶声;发虚声制止 [~ at a play (an actor) 对戏剧 (演员) 嘘嘘地喝倒采 ~ a lecturer 对演说者发出不满的嘘声 ~ a speaker] [away (down) 发嘘声把演讲者轰走 (轰下 台)]
histology n.组织学;组织结构 [histo-, hist-(用于复合字中)表"组织"之义,如:histamine(生化)组胺(蛋白质分解而产生的一种氨基酸] [histie(苏)(指土地)不毛的]
histrionic a.戏剧的;演剧的 [LL histrionicus<L histrio -onis actor]
histrionics n.装模作样;舞台艺术
hitch v.拴;用力移动;被钩住
[He ~ed his horse to a tree 他把他的马系在一棵树上 He ~ed his chair nearer the fire 他把椅子移近火 [一些 ~ a ride (lift) 搭便车]
hoard n.财宝;储藏;积蓄;蓄财 [~ up treasure 积聚财宝 A squirrel ~s nuts for the winter 松鼠为过冬贮藏坚果(<中OE "宝物")]
hoary a.鬓发斑白的;陈腐的 [a ~ old excuse 老套的辩白]
hoax n.恶作剧 [18th c: prob contr<HOCUS 欺骗]
hobble v.蹒跚;跛行 [ME, prob<LG: cf HOPPLE and Du hobbelen rock from side to side]
hobnob v.n.ad.交好;共饮;随意地
[hob or nob = give or take, of alternate drinking;earlier hab nab, = have or not have ~ with the rich 与有 [人亲密地交往]
hogshead n.大桶 [ME<HOG, HEAD: reason for the name unkn hogskin 猪皮]
hoist v.n.悬起;拉升;发信号 [16th c: alt of hoise<(15th-c)hysse, prob of LG orig: cf LG hissen]
innocuous a.无害的;无毒的 [L innocuus(IN-, nocuus formed as INNOCENT无罪的;无知的)]
innovation n.改革;革新
innuendo n.暗指;讽刺 [L, = by nodding at, by pointing to: ablat gerund of innuere nod at(IN-, nuere nod)]
inordinate a.无节制的;过度的 [ME<L inordinatus(IN-, ordinatus pp. of ordinare ORDAIN(<L."使有秩序(order)")注定会;规定,制定]
inquisitive a.想问的;好追根究底的 [E<OF inquisitif -ive<LL inquisitivus(INQUISITION(往往忽视人权的)严格审讯,调查;审理]
inroad n.侵略;侵害;蚕食 [IN+ROAD in sense 'riding']
insane a.疯狂的;精神错乱的 [L insanus(IN-, sanus healthy)]
insatiable a.不知足的;贪求无厌的 [ME<OF insaciable or L insatiabilis(IN-, SATIATE饱足的;吃饱的)]
inscrutable a.不了解的;不可思议的 [ME<ecclL inscrutabilis(IN-, scrutari search: SCRUTINY详细阅读)]
insensate a.无感觉的;无情的 [ecclL insensatus(IN-, sensatus<sensus SENSE)]
insert v.插进;嵌入;插入 [L inserere(IN-, serere sert- join)]
insidious a.狡猾的;暗中活动的 [L insidiosus cunning<insidiae ambush(IN-, sedere sit)]
insinuate v.暗示 [L insinuare insinuat-(IN-, sinuare to curve)]
insipid a.乏味的 [F insipide or LL insipidus(IN-, sapidus SAPID有味道的;有趣味的)]
insolent a.粗野的;无礼的 [ME, = 'arrogant',<L insolens(IN-, solens pres part of solere be accustomed)an ~ little boy 傲慢的小男孩 He] [is ~ to customers 他对顾客无礼]
insolvency n.破产 [SOLVENT 有偿还能力的;有溶解力的 insolvent1(法律)无力偿付债务的(谑)把钱用光的人;破产的人]
insomnia n.失眠 [L<insomnis sleepless(IN-, somnus sleep)]
insouciant a.不在意的;无忧虑的 [F(IN-, souciant pres part of soucier care)INSOUCIANCE漠不关心]
inspiration n.灵感;启示 [E<OF<LL inspiratio -onis(INSPIRE)]
installation n.任命;就任;装置 [edL installatio(INSTALL)]
instigate v.鼓励;煽动 [L instigare instigat- instigation鼓动煽动;教唆]
insufficient a.不足;不适当;无能力的 [E<OF<LL insufficiens(IN-, SUFFICIENT)]
insular a.岛的;狭隘的 [LL insularis(INSULATE)~ prejudices 心胸狭隘的偏见 insularity 岛(国),岛国性 岛国根性,胸襟褊狭]
insulate v.隔离;使孤立;成岛 [L insula island+-ATE]
insuperable a.无法克服的 [ME<OF insuperable or L insuperabilis(IN-, SUPERABLE能胜过的,可征服的]
insurgent a.起事的;暴动的 [F<L insurgere insurrect-(IN-, surgere rise)]
integrate v.合而为一;使完全 [L integrare integrat- make whole(INTEGER整体;整数)integrated 整合的;完整的]
integrity n.完整;正直 [ME<F integrite or L integritas(INTEGER)]
integument n.皮肤;外皮 [L integumentum<integere(IN-, tegere cover)]
intellect n.理解力;智力 [ME<OF intellect or L intellectus understanding(INTELLIGENT)intelligible可理解的,易理解的]
intelligentsia n.知识阶层 [Russ<Pol inteligencja<L intelligentia(INTELLIGENT)]
inter v.埋葬 [ME<OF enterrer<Rmc(IN-, L terra earth)]
intercept v.中途夺取;截夺;截断 [L intercipere intercept-(INTER-, capere take)]
interdict v.限制;禁止 [ME<OF entredit<L interdictum pp. of interdicere interpose, forbid by decree(INTER-, dicere say)]
interim n.暂时;过渡时期 [L, as INTER-+adv suffix -im]
interlocutory a.对话的;中间的 [medL interlocutorius(INTERLOCUTOR对话者)]
intermediary a.仲裁者 [intermediaire<It intermediario<L intermedius(INTERMEDIATE(无比较级、 最高级)居间的,中间] [(halfway),中型(<L."在正中央")]
interment n.埋葬
interminable a.无终止的;冗长的 [ME<OF interminable or LL interminabilis(IN-, TERMINATE)]
intermittent a.间歇的 [L intermittere intermittent-(INTERMIT暂时中止)]
internecine a.两败俱伤的;互相残杀的 [orig = deadly,<L internecinus<internecio massacre<internecare slaughter(INTER-, necare kill)]
internist n.内科医师
interpolate v.加添字句于文稿 [L interpolare furbish up(INTER-, polire POLISH优雅;精良;擦亮)(<L."修饰于中间")]
interstice n.空隙;裂缝 [interstitium(INTER-, sistere stit- stand)int
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