针对英语基础比较扎实且词汇积累比较丰富的托友们来说,1-2个月为最为合理的复习时间期限,时间拖得再长却不见得能够提高多少,因为复习时间的长短和所取得成绩的高低并不成正比。具体如下:前一个月用来做针对性练习,譬如,在前期针对地练习了口语部分的integratedspeaking之task5、task6和 independent writing,那么在后期记得一定要返回做点task1、task2和integratedwriting的针对练习,不要让自己手生了,随时要保持自己对试题的熟悉程度;之后的一个月就是拿来专门复习模拟试题的。
(1) 一些重要词汇或者是固定短语的重复使用。这会让阅卷人误解考生词汇量相当贫乏,从而影响到最终的得分。
(2) 一些单词词性的错误使用、固定短语搭配的错误使用以及其他一些不该犯的低级语法错误,这些都会让阅卷人对考生的英文功底产生质疑。
(3) 首字母大小写的正确书写。在正规的IBT考试中,不会象MicrosoftWord一样出现拼写错误就会自动出现下划线来提示你,所以大家在平时的练习中就要自觉养成手动切换大小写的良好习惯。
(4) 对综合写作的整体架构不能够很好地把握。
Sample composition
Is daily homework necessary for students? The question about the dailyhomework was existed as long as the school existed. The practice of newlyacquired knowledge and the preparation for the new lessons are the importantparts of the learning. However, the teachers give too many assignments to thestudents. Students always complain that they have too much load on theirshoulder and they can hardly breathe. It seems that teachers should decline theassignment, but once they do it, the quality of the learning will decrease. Whatshould they do?
First of all, teachers should give the assignments accordingly. Thedifferent age of students have different ability to respond the amount ofhomework. The senior students have more skills to respond the assignments thanthe minor students. These kinds of skills can developed as your age. Thus, theminor students should take more activities instead of the daily assignments.They can learn how to interact socially and how to be a good leader through theactivities.
At the same time, teachers should notice the need for homework. Mathematicneed practice all the time because it allows students to identify anddistinguish the equations. The language also needs to practice so that studentscan speak fluently. However, the history is unnecessary. Memorizing the date andplaces is unrequited. Once you forget, you can look up them in the book. Ifthere have too many history homework, it will frustrate students. Not onlyshould teacher give assignments depend on the age of students, but also thinkabout the different subject. Too many homework will discourage students andinfluence their study in the school. Teachers’ good intentions maybe turn to abad result.
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