5. Parties.
Not the drink until dawn kind of parties. With the exception of a fewindustries, those probablywon’t do much for your reputation. But during theholidays we take more time to reconnect,see people we haven’t seen for a while,and hang out with no agenda except catching up orgetting to know each other alittle better. Anyone can put together a networking event, the realkey tobuilding business relationships by hosting get-togethers is to let go of theagendas andsimply connect.
6. Reflection.
Each year as we say “goodbye” to the old and “hello” to the new, many of ushave made apractice of reflecting on the year past. But in business we usuallygo straight into analysismode. What a SWOTT analysis of the business won’t tellus is our own strengths,weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends. Yet, thegreatest strengths and opportunities,as well as the greatest weaknesses andthreats, aren’t going to be found in looking atoperations, or profit margins, orsales funnels or market trends. You’ll only become aware ofthem by looking atleadership. And that begins with you.
7. Resolutions.
Most people have “failed” on their New Year’s resolutions so many timesthey’ve given up onmaking them. That’s because most people don’t really makesure they have the resolve to dowhat they say they’re going to do. Even morepeople don’t realize that resolving isn’t a onetimeactivity, it’s a dailypractice that becomes easier with repitition. Keep resolving, on New Year’sDayand the 364 days that follow, and you’re likely to find a lot of your problemsresolved bythis time next year.