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网考托福®有机英语:阅读题参考样Organic English for TOEFL® iBT: Sample Reading Questions Reading (1) The northern spotted owl is the only species whose survival has been definitively prov
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Introduction】在印度前十年左右,呼叫中心的高薪吸引了全国成千上万的人来应聘。然而,随着印度的毕业生和年轻的打工一族不再为工作而操心,呼叫中心从此不景气了。【Section One】Articlescreen.width-333)this.
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【About Facebook】Facebook是近段时间最受关注的Web 2.0公司,随着IPO的可能性日益增加,Facebook也很可能成为商业上最成功的Web 2.0公司。我相信,如果Facebook真的成功上市,它对互联网行业的长期影响将不在Googl
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Introduction】 尽管我们的餐盘上堆满了死去的动物,而我们从来没花太多的吃饭时间考虑自己的死亡。并且,大多数人也没想过自己最后的晚餐。【Section One】Article You Eat What You AreD
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Introduction】现在停下你手上的活,想想你死时的情景,你会有什么样的感受?。。。。不用怕,科学家认为,人在想像自己死的时候,会感受到快乐的。【Section One】Articlescreen.width-333)this.width=screen.wid
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Introduction】你养过猫吗?34%的美国人家里至少养了一只猫,并且这个数值还在增加。如果你想养猫,或者想知道更多关于养猫的妙计,这本新书不得不看:《Everything Your Cat Expects You to Know》。【Section On
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
California's Christmas List: Clean Air【Introduction】葡萄园和柑橘林星罗棋布的加州富饶农业区,似乎应该跟“美国空气污染最严重的地区”很难联系到一起。然而被山谷包围的阿尔文是城市污染物的最终到达地,甚至
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Introduction】 飞利浦的研发团队发明了这样奇特的衣服:不仅漂亮,还能让别人知道你的感受。【Section One】ArticleEmotive ClothingThe Bubelle Blush DressThe inner layer of this outfit is equipped with se
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Introduction】美国,伊里诺斯州的一个女孩,上星期被拘留了2次。难道是她攻击别人?不是,因在公共场合拥抱2位朋友违反校规而致。【Section One】Articlescreen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【 Introduction 】(今天出的题仿照TOEFL的题型:词汇题与语句插入题)(以后将加入更多TOEFL题型)
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
【Cyburkey Thursday: the Wired Thanksgiving】【Introduction】On Thanksgiving, the internet is often used for looking up recipes.Try to memorize your childhood and feel warm from this article,although
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
Robotic Roaches Do the Trick
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
英属北美殖民地的建立(1607--1733) 北美洲原始居民为印第安人。16-18世纪,正在进行资本原始积累的西欧各国相继入侵北美洲。法国人建立了新法兰西(包括圣劳伦斯流域下游大潮区,密西西比河流域等处);西班牙人建立
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
关于美国的历史 The continent's first inhabitants walked into North America across what is now the Bering Strait from Asia. For the next 20,000 years these pioneering settlers were essentially left alo
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
The Civil WarCauses of the warThe American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states from 1861 to 1865. There were two main causes of the war. The first was the issue of *slavery:
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
The American RevolutionThe War of Revolution between America and Britain began in April 1775 in *Lexington, Massachusetts, when soldiers from each side met and somebody fired a shot. It was called the
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
Native American languagesBefore Europeans arrived in North America there were over 300 Native American languages. Some have now died out, and of the 250 or so remaining many are spoken only by a few o
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
Native AmericansNative Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the continent. For a long time white people called them Indians. Today, many people do
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
George Washington (1732-99)the first US *President (1789-97), who had led its army to success in the *American Revolution. He is called 'the Father of His Country'. The *Continental Congress placed hi
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
Native Americans in the popular imaginationAn American tradition dating back to early times is *Thanksgiving. When the English arrived in Jamestown many died during the long cold winter, but in the fo
托福阅读2008-10-15 -
MAYA1.Maya Culture The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in presen
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