and - 'n are you - ya because - 'cause/cuz could have - coulda could not have - couldna did you - didya don't know - dunno give me - gimme going to - gonna got to - gotta had better - better/betta have to - hafta her - 'er him - 'im his - 'is how did you - how'dya how do you - howdya how does - how's in front of - infrontof -ing - in' is that - s'that just - jus' leave me - leeme let me - lemme of - a/o' old - ol' out of - outta probably - prob'ly should not have - shouldna them - 'm/'em to - ta want to - wanna what - wud/whut what are you - whachya what did you - whadya what do you - what cha what does - what's what is the - what's a would not have - wudn'a/wouldna you - ya/y' why did you - whyd'ya why do you - why'dy'a
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