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(帝王等)统治;朝代,在位时代 reign

佛经 buddhist scriptures

[宗教、政治]教义;原则 doctrine

思想史 intellectual history

...的一个主要的部分 an integral part of...

多灾多难的 calamitous

密教(中国佛教宗派之一) Esotericism

大乘(佛教宗派之一) Mahayana/Greater Vehicle

小乘(佛教宗派之一) Theravada/Hinayana/Lesser Vehicle

土生土长的 indigenous

达赖 **

班禅 Bainqen(Panchen)

达摩 Bodhidharma

法显 Faxian

玄奘 Xuanzang

法,即达摩,支配个人行为的宗教伦理规范 dharma

鉴真 Jianzhen

地产 landed property

废除(法令等),取消 abrogate

支柱,后盾 prop

养生法 regimen

默想;坐禅 meditation

符咒 charm

咒语 spell

苦行的 ascetic

永生 immortality

召唤,号召 summon

白云观 Baiyun Monastery

成吉思汗 Genghis Khan

征募 conscript

工匠,手工业工人 artisan

忽必烈 Kublai Khan

追随者 following

尊重;接受 honor v.

[伊斯兰教、基督教]朝圣 pilgrimage

麦加(伊斯兰教圣地) Mecca

传教士 missionary

[天主教]耶酥会会士 Jesuit

利马窦 Matteo Ricci

礼部尚书 Director of the Board of Rites

历法 calendar-study

教团,修道会 order

使改变宗教或政治信仰、意见等 proselyte

使改变信仰;使皈依;使改信基督教 convert v. n.(皈依者,改变信仰者)

主管教区 diocese

[宗]安魂弥撒 requiem mass

大弥撒(有烧香、奏乐等) high mass

小弥撒(无烧香、奏乐等) low mass

教区;教区的全体居民 parish

教区居民 parishioner

[集合词]教士;牧师(天主教神职人员,新教教职人员的统称) clergy

教士,牧师 clergyman

[集合词](与教士、僧侣等相对的)俗人 laity

传播福音的 evangelistic

金陵协和神学院 Nanjing Union Theological Seminary

[法]规定;条款 provision

入教仪式 admittance rites

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

人民代表 deputy to the People's Congress

(学术)讨论会、座谈会 symposium

命运、天命 destiny

儒家思想 Confucianism

孝道 filial piety

国教 state religion

教规 canon


Citizens enjoy freedom to believe in religion and freedom not to believe in religion and to propagate atheism.


No state organ, mass organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion.


The state protects normal religious activities.


Nobody may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the state.


Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination.

宗教信仰 religious belief

宗教信仰自由 freedom of religion

有神论;有神论者 theism; theist

无神论;无神论者 atheism; atheist

泛神论 pantheism

多神论;多神论者 polytheism; polytheist

一神教 monotheism

神学 theology

神学家 theologian

神权统治 thearchy

神权政治 theocracy

僧侣统治;等级制度 hierarchy

偶像 idol

释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni

如来 Tathagata

佛陀 Buddha

菩萨 Bodhisattva; Buddha; Buddhist idol

观音菩萨 the Guanyin Bodhisatta; Avalokitesvara; the Goddess of Mercy

弥勒 Maitreya

安拉;真主 Allah

上帝 God, the Lord

圣父(三位一体之一者) the Father

圣子(指耶酥,三位一体之一者) the Son (of God)

圣灵(三位一体之一者) the Holy Ghost; the Holy Spirit

耶酥基督 Jesus Christ

天使 angel

魔鬼 devil

撒旦 Satan

天堂 Paradise; Heaven

地狱 hell; inferno

阴曹 hell

圣地(指巴勒斯坦) the Holy Land

圣地(指耶路撒冷、罗马、麦加等地) the Holy City(Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca)

中国佛教协会 Chinese Buddhist Association

中国道教协会 Chinese Taoist Association

中国伊斯兰教协会 Chinese Islamic Association

中国天主教主教团 China Catholic Bishop College

中国天主教爱国委员会 Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association

中国天主教教务委员会 National Administrative Commission of the Chinese Catholic Church

中国天主教神哲学院 Chinese Catholic Academy of Theology and Philosophy

中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会 Chinese National Christian Three-self Patriotic Movement Committee

三自(自治、自养、自传)原则 the principles of self-government, self-support and self-propagation

宗教事务局 Bureau of Religious Affairs

宗教派别 religious sect

佛教 Buddhism

喇嘛教 Lamaism

道教 Taoism

伊斯兰教 Islam

基督教 Christianity

天主教 Catholicism

新/耶酥教 Protestantism

东正教 Orthodox Eastern Church

希腊正教 Greek Orthodox Church

萨满教 Shamanism

宗教仪式 religious rites; ritual

洗礼 baptism

受洗 to receive baptism; to be baptized

忏悔 confession

圣餐 Holy Communion

宗教仪式,礼拜 religious service

做礼拜 to attend religious service; to go to church

做弥撒 to attend Mass

念经 to recite/chant sutras/scriptures

念佛 to chant the name of/to pray to Buddha

烧香 to burn joss-stick(s)(before an idol); to burn incense

主日学(星期日学校) Sunday-school; Sabbath-school

讲道 sermon

传教,传道 to preach; to deliver a sermon

(基督教)传教 to do missionary work

神学院 seminary

庙宇、寺(佛、道教) temple

喇嘛庙 lamasery

清真寺(伊斯兰教) mosque

寺院,修道院 monastery

庵 Buddhist nunnery

(女)修道院 convent, nunnery

教堂(基督教) church

大教堂(天主教) cathedral

神殿(祠) shrine

祭/圣坛;圣餐台 altar

圣经(基督教) the Bible

佛经(统称) Buddhist scriptures

可兰经(伊斯兰教) the Koran

信徒 believer; follower

基督教徒 Christian

天主教徒 Catholic

新/耶酥教徒 Protestant

佛教徒 Buddhist

穆斯林 Muslim; Moslem

拜物教;拜物教徒 fetishism; fetishist

和尚 Buddhist monk

喇嘛 lama

活佛 Living Buddha

尼姑 buddhist nun

道士 Taoist priest

道姑 Taoist nun

阿訇 ahung, imam

教士、牧师 clergyman

教皇 Pope/the Holy Father

红衣主教 cardinal

大主教 archbishop

主教 bishop

神父/神甫(天主教) priest

修女(天主教) nun

牧师(新教) pastor, minister



国民生产总值 GNP (Gross National Product)

人均国民生产总值 per capita GNP

产值 output value

鼓励 give incentive to

投入 input

宏观控制 exercise macro-control

优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure

输入活力 bring vigor into

改善经济环境 improve economic environment

整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order

有效地控制通货膨胀 effectively control inflation

非公有成分 non-public sectors

主要成分 dominant sector

实在的 tangible

全体会议 plenary session

解放生产力 liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces

引入歧途 lead one to a blind alley

举措 move

实事求是 seek truth from facts

引进、输入 importation

和平演变 peaceful evolution

试一下 have a go (at sth.)

精华、精粹、实质 quintessence

家庭联产责任承包制 family-contract responsibility system

搞活企业 invigorate enterprises

商品经济 commodity economy

基石 cornerstone

零售 retail

发电量 electric energy production

有色金属 nonferrous metals

人均收入 per capita income

使负担 be saddled with

营业发达的公司 going concerns

被兼并或挤掉 annexed or forced out of business

善于接受的 receptive

增额、增值、增长 increment

发展过快 excessive growth

抽样调查 data from the sample survey

扣除物价上涨部分 price increase are deducted(excluded)

实际增长率 actual growth rate

国际收支 international balance of payments

流通制度 circulation system

总工资 total wages

分配形式 forms of distribution

风险资金 risk funds

管理不善 poor management

一个中心、两个基本点one central task and two basic points


the central task refers to economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles - adherence to the socialist road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people's democratic dictatorship and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought - and persisting in reform and opening.


Reform is "the self-perfection and self-development of the socialist system."


The criterion for our judgement is whether the move facilitates the development of socialist productive forces, whether it helps increase the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it brings about better living standards.


The main goals of socialism are the liberation and development of productive forces, the elimination of exploitation and polarization between the rich and the poor and the final achievement of common prosperity.


to warn people of the influence of both the Right and the "Left" deviations, particularly of the deep-rooted "Left" influence.


China needs to be vigilant against the Right deviation, but primarily, it should guard against the "Left"deviation.


Socialism and capitalism are not distinguished by the proportion of planned and market economy.


As the reform further develops, the scope for mandatory state plans will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged.


to establish at a preliminary level a new system of socialist planned commodity economy.


from each according to his ability, to each according to his work/needs.


reform in economic structure


surplus labor


operative mechanism


to give play to the regulatory role of the market


economic and legal leverages


to combine economic planning with market regulation


a mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulation


to cancel the state's monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural products


the focus of reform is shifted to the cities


The basic task of the nation is to concentrate its efforts on socialist modernization.


to modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology step by step to turn China into a strong and prosperous socialist country with a high level of culture and democracy.


The basis of the socialist economic system is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people.


The state economy is the sector of socialist economy under ownership by the whole people; it is the leading force in the national economy.


The state ensures the consolidation and growth of the state economy.

农业 farming

林业 forestry

畜牧业 animal husbandry

副业 sideline production

渔业 fishing

第一产业 primary industry

第二产业 secondary industry

第三产业 tertiary industry

生产资料 means of production

生活资料 means of livelihood/subsistence

生产关系 relations of production

生产力 productive forces

公有制 public ownership

私有制 private ownership

全民所有制 ownership by the entire/whole people

社会主义集体所有制 socialist collective ownership

厉行节约,反对浪费 to practice strict economy and combat waste

外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise

合资企业 joint venture

合作企业 cooperative enterprise

独资企业 wholly foreign owned/funded enterprise



竞技性运动competitive sport

用粉笔记下(分数等);达到,得到 chalk up

出名 make one's mark

体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event

体育 PE (Physical Education)

体格、体质 physique

培训 groom

余的,带零头的 odd

年少者 junior

残疾人 the handicapped/disabled

学龄前儿童 preschool

全体;普通;一般 at large

平均寿命 life expectancy

复兴 revitalize

使有系统;整理 systemize

历史悠久的 time-honored

跳板 spring-board

秋千 swing

石弓,弩 crossbow

(比赛等的)观众 spectator

取得进展 make headway

体育大国/强国 sporting/sports power

与...有关系,加入 be affiliated to/with

落后 lag behind

武术 martial arts

五禽戏 five-animal exercises

体育运动 physical culture and sports

增强体质 to strengthen one's physique

可喜的,令人满意的 gratifying

称号,绰号 label

涌现出来 to come to the fore

源源不断 a steady flow of

队伍 contingent

又红又专/思想好,业务精 to be both socialist-minded and vocationally proficient

体育界 sports circle(s)

承担义务 to undertake obligation

黑马 dark horse

冷门 an unexpected winner; dark horse

爆冷门 to produce an unexpected winner

发展体育运动,增强人民体质 Promote physical culture and build up the people's health

锻炼身体,保卫祖国 Build up a good physique to defend the country

为祖国争光 to win honors for the motherland


Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.

体育道德 sportsmanship

打出水平,打出风格 up to one's best level in skill and style of play

竞技状态好 in good form

失常 to lose one's usual form

比分领先 to outscore

打成平局 to draw/to tie/to play even/to level the score

失利 to lose


Physical Culture and Sports Commission of the PRC (State Physical Culture and Sports Commission)

中华全国体育总会 All-China Sports Federation

国际奥林匹克委员会 International Olympic Committee

少年业余体育学校 youth spare-time sports school, youth amateur athletic school

辅导站 coaching center

体育中心 sports center/complex

竞赛信息中心 competition information center

运动会 sports meet; athletic meeting; games

全国运动会 National Games

世界大学生运动会 World University Games; Universiade

比赛地点 competition/sports venue(s)

国际比赛 international tournament

邀请赛 invitational/invitational tournament

锦标赛 championship

东道国 host country/nation

体育场 stadium; sports field/ground

体育馆 gymnasium, gym; indoor stadium

比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums

练习场馆 training gymnasiums

操场 playground; sports ground; drill ground

体育活动 sports/sporting activities

体育锻炼 physical training

体育锻炼标准 standard for physical training

体育疗法 physical exercise therapy; sports therapy

广播操 setting-up exercises to music

课/工间操 physical exercises during breaks

体育工作者 physical culture workers, sports organizer

运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast

观众 spectator

啦啦队 cheering-section

啦啦队长 cheer-leader

国家队 national team

种子队 seeded team

主队 home team

客队 visiting team

教练员 coach

裁判员 referee, umpire

裁判长 chief referee

团体项目 team event

单项 individual event

男子项目 men's event

女子项目 women's event

冠军 champion; gold medalist

全能冠军 all-round champion

亚军 running-up; second; silver medalist

第三名 third; bronze medalist

世界纪录保持者 world-record holder

运动员 athlete; sportsman

种子选手 seeded player; seed

优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete

田径运动 track and field; athletics

田赛 field events

竞赛 track events

跳高 high jump

撑杆跳高 pole jump; polevault

跳远 long/broad jump

三级跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump

标枪 javelin throw

铅球 shot put

铁饼 discus throw

链球 hammer throw

马拉松赛跑 Marathon (race)

接力 relay race; relay

跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race

竞走 walking; walking race

体操 gymnastics

自由体操 floor/free exercises

技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics

垫上运动 mat exercises

单杠 horizontal bar

双杠 parallel bars

高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars

吊环 rings

跳马 vaulting horse

鞍马 pommel horse

平衡木 balance beam

球类运动 ball games

足球 football; soccer

足球场 field; pitch

篮球 basketball

篮球场 basketball court

排球 volleyball

乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong

乒乓球拍 racket; bat

羽毛球运动 badminton

羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle

球拍 racket

网球 tennis

棒球 baseball

垒球 softball

棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground

手球 handball

手球场 handball field

曲棍球 hockey; field hockey

冰上运动 ice sports

冰球运动 ice hockey

冰球场 rink

冰球 puck; rubber

速度滑冰 speed skating

花样滑冰 figure skating

冰场 skating rink; ice rink

人工冰场 artificial ice stadium

滑雪 skiing

速度滑雪 cross country ski racing

高山滑雪 alpine skiing

水上运动 water/acquatic sports

水上运动中心 aquatic sports center

水球(运动)water polo

水球场 playing pool

滑水 water-skiing

冲浪 surfing

游泳 swimming

游泳池 swimming pool

游泳馆 natatorium

自由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke)

蛙泳 breaststroke

侧泳 sidestroke

蝶泳 butterfly (stroke)

海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick

蹼泳 fin swimming

跳水 diving

跳台跳水 platform diving

跳板跳水 springboard diving

赛艇运动 rowing

滑艇/皮艇 canoeing

帆船运动 yachting; sailing

赛龙船 dragon-boat racing

室内运动 indoor sports

举重 weightlifting

重量级 heavyweight

中量级 middleweight

轻量级 lightweight

拳击 boxing

摔交 wresting

击剑 fencing

射击 shooting

靶场 shooting range

射箭 archery

拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; Chinese boxing

气功 qigong; breathing exercises

自行车运动 cycling; cycle racing

赛车场(自行车等的)倾斜赛车场 cycling track

室内自行车赛场 indoor velodrome

摩托运动 motorcycling

登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing

骑术 horsemanship

赛马场 equestrian park

国际象棋 (international) chess

特级大师 grandmaster

象棋 xiangqi; Chinese chess

围棋 weiqi; go

航空模型 aeromodel; model aeroplane

航海模型 marine modelling; model ship

跳伞 parachuting

定点跳伞 accuracy jump; precision landing

无线电定向 radio direction finding

造型跳伞 relative work

滑翔运动 gliding; sailplaning

技巧 sports acrobatics

拔河 tug-of-war

毽子 shuttlecock

踢毽子 shuttlecock kicking

毽秋 jianqiu; shuttlecock playing


基本框架 basic framework

办学效益 efficiency in school management

协调发展 doordinated and balanced program of development

教育投入 input in education

优化教师队伍 optimize the teaching staff

实行分区规划 practice regional planning

社会参与 communal participation

新增劳动力 incoming labor force

职前教育 pre-service education

岗位培训 undergo job-specific training

提高......的思想品德 enhance the moral awareness of ...

职业道德 professional ethics

重点学科 key disciplinary areas or priority fields of study

(大学)专科 Major Types of Education in China short 2- to 3- year higher education programs

扫盲班 literacy class

注册人数 enrollment

年龄段(层)age bracket

反复灌输 inculcate

希望工程 Project Hope

学龄儿童 school-ager

人才枯竭 exhaustion of human resources

辍/失学青少年 school dropout/leaver

基金会 foundation

服务性行业 service trade

在职培训 on-the-job/in-service training

国际劳工组织 International Labor Organization

基础科学 the fundamentals

学分制 the credit system

三学期制 the trimester system

双学士制 a double BA degree system

主副修制 a system of a major field of specialization plus a minor field

教学、科研、生产的"三结合" "3-in-1 combination" involving teaching,research, and production

三结合联合体 tripartite complex

定向招生 students are admitted to be trained for pre-determined employers

包分配 guarantee job assignments

燎原计划 the Prairie Fire Program

示范试点 demonstration pilot project

结合、使加入 incorporate

动员 mobilize

税收 tax revenue

多学科的 multi-disciplinary

重点大学 key university


被授权 be authorized to do

博士后科研流动站 center for post-doctoral studies

专业 speciality

爱国人士 patriotic personage

国家发明奖 National Invention Prize

国家自然科学奖 National Prize for Natural Sciences

国家科技进步奖 National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology

学术报告会,专题讨论会 symposium

记者招待会 press conference

国家教委主任 Chairman of the State Education Commission

国家统计局 the State Statistical Bureau

国家教育经费 national expenditure on education

财政拨款 financial allocation

半文盲 semiliterate; functional illiterate

占百分比 account for ...%

专任教师 full-time teacher

资料中心 data center

国际文化交流 intercultural communication

教育方针 guideline(s)/guiding principle(s) for education


Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive labor, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectuall and physically.


a socialist education system with distince Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist modernization and is oriented to the 21st century


to keep to the socialist orientation

身体好,学习好,工作好。Keep fit, study hard and work well.

德才兼备 to combine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability

成为有理想,有道德,有文化,守纪律的劳动者 to become working people with lofty ideals, moral integrity, education and a sense of discipline


Gear educaiton to the needs of modernization, the world and the future

爱国主义教育 education in patrotisem

国际主义教育 education in internationalism

集体主义教育 education in collectivism

共产主义教育 education in communism

共产主义道德品质 communist ethics

政治思想教育 political and ideological education


"Five Love": love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property.

教书育人 to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge


to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently


to help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves


to foster the students' ability to study on their own

发挥学生主动性、创造性 to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness

自学成才 to become educated through independent study

启发式 elicitation method (of teaching); heuristic method

填鸭式教学法 cramming/forced-feeding method of teaching

普及教育 universal education

义务教育 compulsory education; free education

学前教育 preschool education

初等教育 elementary education

中等教育 secondary education

高等教育 higher/tertiary education

普遍教育 general education

成人教育 adult education

职业技术教育 vocational and technical education

国家教育委员会 State Education Commission

高等学校 institution of higher education

综合性大学 comprehensive university

文科大学 university of liberal arts

文科院校 colleges of art

理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering

师范大学 normal university; teachers' university

师范学院 teachers' college

工业大学 polytechnical university

工业学院 engineering institute

农业大学 agricultural university

农学院 agricultural college

医科大学 medical university

医学院 medical college/school

中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine

音乐学院 conservatory of music

美术学院 academy of fine arts

体育学院 physical culture institute

分校 branch school

重点学校 key school

业余学校 spare-time school

业余职工大学 spare-time college for staff and workers

电视广播大学 television and radio broadcasting university

函授学院 correspondence school

教师进修学校 teachers' college for vocational studies

成人夜校 night school for adults

业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school

半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school

中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; polytechnic school

中等技术学校 secondary technical school; technical secondary school

职业学校 vocational school

附中 attached middle school

在职进修班 in-service training course

进修班 class for advanced studies

短训班 short-term training course

专修科 special (training) course

自学考试 self-taught examination

教职员 teaching and administrative staff

教学人员 the faculty; teaching staff

中、小学校长headmaster/headmistress; principal

大专院校校长 president; chancellor

教务长 dean of studies

(系)主任 chairman; chairperson

副主任 vice-chairman

教授 professor

副教授 associate professor

客座教授 visiting professor; guest professor

讲师 lecturer

助教 assistant

专职教师 full-time teacher

兼职教师 part-time teacher

辅导员 assistant for political and ideological work

教研室/组 teaching and research section/group

教学组 teaching group

教员休息室 staff room; common room

母校 Alma Mater

校友 alumnus; alumna

学生会 students' union/association

高年级学生 upper/higher grade pupil/student; pupil/student in senior grades

低年级学生 lower grade pupil/student; pupil/student in junior grades

走读生 day student; non-resident student

住宿生 boarder

旁听生 auditor

研究生 graduate student; post-graduate (student)

应届毕业生 graduating student/pupil; this year's graduates

听课 to visit a class; to sit in on a class;p to attend a lecture

公开课 open class

课程 course; curriculum

必修课 required/compulsory course

选修课 elective/optional course

基础课 basic course

专业课 specialized course

课程表 school timetable

课外活动 extracurricular activities

课外辅导 instruction after class

课外阅读 outside reading

课堂讨论 class discussion

(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar

教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus

教学内容 content of courses

学习年限 period of schooling

学历 record of formal schooling

学年 school/academic year

学期 (school)term; semester

学分 credit

分数 mark; grade

五分制 the 5-grade marking system

百分制 100-mark system

学习成绩 academic record; school record

成绩单 school report; report card; transcript

毕业论文 thesis; dissertation

毕业实习 graduation field work

毕业设计 graduation ceremony

毕业典礼 graduation ceremony; commencement

毕业证书 diploma; graduation certificate

毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal

授予某人学位 to confer a degree on sb.

升级 to be promoted to a higher grade

留级 to repeat the year's work; to stay down

补考 make-up examination

升学t o go to a school of a higher grade; to enter a higher school

升学率 proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade

奖学金 scholarship

(国家)助学金 (state)stipend/subsidy

领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student

学费 tuition (fee)

伙食费 board expenses

伙食补助 food allowance