管理费用明细表 会外工02表 附表6 in Cit 年 月 日 单位:元 AJI 行次 本年计划 本月实际 上年实际 项目实际 公司经费 其中:工资 折旧费 修理费 物料损耗 低值易耗品摊销 劳动保护费 办公费 差旅费 运输费 保险费 交通费 工会经费 董事会费 顾问费 诉讼费 交际应酬费 税金 场地使用费 技术转让费 无形资产摊销 其他资产摊销 职工培训费 研究开发费 坏帐损失 存货盘亏(减盘盈) 外籍人员费 汽油 通讯费 其他 合计
★本信息仅供参考。 STATEMENT OF GENERAL AND ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENSES FROM AJI-02 Sup.6 For the year ended JULY.31,1998 MONETARY UNIT: YUAN ITEMS THIS YEAR'S THIS MONTH'S LAST YEAR'S LINE NO. PLAN ACTUAL ACTUAL Company expenses Including: Salaries and wages Depreciation Repairs Supplies consumed Amortization of low value articles Labor protection Office expenses Travelling Transportation Insurance Taxi Expenses Labor union dues Board of directors' expenses Consulting fees Litigation fees Entertainment fees Taxes Land occupancy fees Technology transfer fee Amortization of intangible assets Amortization of other assets Staff and workers' training expenses Research and development expenses Bad debts Inventory shortage(less overage) Delegates Expenses Gasoline Communication Expenses Others TOTAL
★本信息仅供参考。 STATEMENT OF GENERAL AND ADMINSTRATIVE EXPENSES FROM AJI-02 Sup.6 For the year ended JULY.31,1998 MONETARY UNIT: YUAN ITEMS THIS YEAR'S THIS MONTH'S LAST YEAR'S LINE NO. PLAN ACTUAL ACTUAL Company expenses Including: Salaries and wages Depreciation Repairs Supplies consumed Amortization of low value articles Labor protection Office expenses Travelling Transportation Insurance Taxi Expenses Labor union dues Board of directors' expenses Consulting fees Litigation fees Entertainment fees Taxes Land occupancy fees Technology transfer fee Amortization of intangible assets Amortization of other assets Staff and workers' training expenses Research and development expenses Bad debts Inventory shortage(less overage) Delegates Expenses Gasoline Communication Expenses Others TOTAL