销售费用明细表 会外工02表附表 单位:元 行次 本年计划 本月实际 上年实际 项目实际 工资 折旧费 修理费 物料消耗 低值易耗品摊销 办公费 差旅费 销售佣金 代销手续费 运输费 装卸费 包装费 保险费 广告费 租赁费 销售服务费 其他 合计 ★ 本信息仅供参考。 STATEMENT OF MARKETING EXPENSES STATEMENT OF MARKETING EXPENSES FROM AJI-02 Sup.5 For the year ended JULY.31,1998 MONETARY UNIT:YUAN ITEMS LINE NO. THIS YEAR'S THIS MONTH'S LAST YEAR'S PLAN ACTUAL ACTUAL Salaries and wages Depreciation Repairs Supplies consumed Amortization of low cost and short lived articles Office expenses Travelling Commission Consignment handing fee Transportation Loading and unloading Packaging Insurance Advertising Rental Sales service fee TOTAL
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