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? alabama: yes, we have electricity?

??? 阿拉巴马州:是的,我们有电!?

??? alaska: 11,623 eskimos can't be wrong!?

??? 阿拉斯加州:一万一千六百二十三名爱斯基摩人是不会错的!?

??? arizona: but it's a dry heat?

??? 亚利桑那州:可是,这里的热是燥热呀!?

??? arkansas: literacy ain't everything?

??? 阿肯色州:有文化并不能代表一切!?

??? california: by 30, our women have more plastic than your honda?

??? 加利福尼亚州:到30岁的时候,我们的妇女使用的整形塑胶的数量将会超过本田公司塑料用量的总和。? ??? colorado: if you don't ski, don't bother?

??? 科索拉多州:如果你连滑雪都不会,那么请别来打扰我好吗??

??? connecticut: like massachusetts, only the kennedy's don't own it yet?

??? 康涅狄格州:和马萨诸塞州几乎没什么区别,只是肯尼迪家族还没有拥有它。?

??? delaware: we really do like the chemicals in our water?

??? 特拉华州:我们真得很不喜欢我们的水源中携带的化学物质。?

??? florida: ask us about our grandkids?

??? 佛罗里达州:问问关于我们的孙子孙女的事情吧。?

??? georgia: we put the "fun" in fundamentalist extremism?

??? 乔治亚州:我们给极端的正统基督教信仰注入了一些“有趣的东西”。?

??? hawaii: haka tiki mou sha'ami leeki toru (death to mainland scum, but leave your money)?

??? 夏威夷州:让美国大陆上的那些无用之辈去死吧,不过记得把你们的金钱留下。?

??? idaho: more than just potatoes... well okay, we're not, but the potatoes sure are real good?

??? 爱达荷州:这不仅仅是马铃薯的问题......好吧好吧,我们不是这个意思,不过马铃薯绝对是真正的好东西!?

??? illinois: please don't pronounce the "s"?

??? 伊利诺斯州:拜托,我们州名最后那个字母s不需要发音!?

??? indiana: 2 billion years tidal wave free?

??? 印第安纳州:20亿年过去了,潮汐带来的波浪还是那么自由自在!?

??? iowa: we do amazing things with corn?

??? 爱荷华州:我们能用玉米做惊天动地的大事儿!?

??? kansas: first of the rectangle states?

??? 堪萨斯州:在所有长方形的州中,我们是一个!

kentucky: five million people; fifteen last names?

??? 肯塔基州:我们有500万人口,但所有这些人只有15个姓!?

??? louisiana: we're not all drunk cajun wackos, but that's our tourism campaign?

??? 路易斯安纳州:我们可不全是疯疯癫癫的法国移民后裔,那不过是我们的宣传活动罢了。?

??? maine: we're really cold, but we have cheap lobster?

??? 缅因州:我们真得很冷,但我们的龙虾很便宜。?

??? maryland: if you can dream it, we can tax it?

??? 马里兰州:只要是你能想到的事情,我们就能对其征税!?

??? massachusetts: our taxes are lower than sweden's (for most tax brackets)?

??? 马萨诸塞州:我们征收的税金可没有瑞典人那么高(对于大多数的税级来说是这样)。?
??? michigan: first line of defense from the canadians?

??? 密歇根州:如果加拿大人发起进攻,我们将是第一道防线!?

??? minnesota: 10,000 lakes... and 10,000,000,000,000 mosquitoes?

??? 明尼苏达州:我们有一万个湖泊......还有10万亿只蚊子!?

??? mississippi: come and feel better about your own state?

??? 密西西比州:来吧,对你自己的州感觉好一点儿!?

??? missouri: your federal flood relief tax dollars at work?

??? 密苏里州:你所缴纳的联邦洪灾救济税款能够排上用场。?

??? montana: land of the big sky, the unabomber, right-wing crazies, and very little else?

??? 蒙大纳州:这片土地上到处都是大片的天空、邮寄炸弹的恐怖分子和狂热的右翼分子,除此之外几乎一无所有!?

??? nebraska: ask about our state motto contest?

??? 内部拉斯加州:问问关于我们州座右铭大赛的事情吧。?

??? nevada: hookers and poker!?

??? 内华达州:红灯区里拉客的娼妓,当然还有纸牌游戏!?

??? new hampshire: go away and leave us alone?

??? 新罕布什尔州:走远点儿,让我们安静会儿!?

??? new jersey: you want a ##$%##! motto? i got yer ##$%##! motto right here!?

??? 新泽西州:你们想要一个很那个的座右铭是吗?好吧,这就是我给你们找的很那个的座右铭!?

??? new mexico: lizards make excellent pets?

??? 新墨西哥州:蜥蜴可是非常非常不错的宠物啊!?

??? new york: you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney...?

??? 纽约州:你有权保持沉默,你也有权成为一名律师...?

??? north carolina: tobacco is a vegetable?

??? 北卡罗来纳州:难道烟草不是一种蔬菜吗??

??? north dakota: we really are one of the 50 states!?

??? 北达科他州:我们真得是美国的五十个州之一!?

??? ohio: at least we're not michigan?

??? 俄亥俄州:最起码我们不是密歇根州。?

??? oklahoma: like the play, only no singing?

??? 俄克拉荷马州:和演出很相似,只是没有歌声!?

??? oregon: spotted owl... it's what's for dinner?

??? 俄勒冈州:斑点猫头鹰...它就是我们的晚饭。?

??? pennsylvania: cook with coal?

??? 宾夕法尼亚州:烹饪要用煤做燃料。?

??? rhode island: we're not really an island?

??? 罗得岛州:我们真得不是一个岛屿!

south carolina: remember the civil war? we didn't actually surrender?

??? 南卡罗来纳州:还记得南北战争吗?事实上我们并没有投降!?

??? south dakota: closer than north dakota?

??? 南达科他州:比北达科他州要近一些。?

??? tennessee: the educashun state?

??? 田纳西州:“教育”之州!?

??? texas: si' hablo ing'les (yes, i speak english)?

??? 得克萨斯州:是的,我会说英语。?

??? utah: our jesus is better than your jesus?

??? 犹他州:我们的耶稣比你们的耶稣更好!?

??? vermont: yep?

??? 佛蒙特州:是啊!?

??? virginia: who says government stiffs and slackjaw yokels don't mix??

??? 弗吉尼亚州:谁说那些刻板的政府官员不能和懒散的乡下人混为一谈??

??? washington: help! we're overrun by nerds and slackers!?

??? 华盛顿州:救命呀!我们这里的蠢货和懒鬼已经泛滥成灾了!?

??? washington, d.c.: wanna be mayor??

??? 华盛顿特区:嗨,想当市长吗??

??? west virginia: one big happy family... really!?

??? 西弗吉尼亚州:一个幸福的大家庭...真得,没骗你!?

??? wisconsin: come cut the cheese?

??? 威斯康星州:来切些奶酪了!?

??? wyoming: where men are men... and the sheep are scared!?

??? 怀俄明州:这里的男人都是男子汉...胆小鬼只有害怕的份儿!