Clipped words are created by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word; a word of several syllables. For example, photo is the clipped word formed from photograph. Clipped words can be back clipped, which is the most common type, and only the beginning is kept; intro from introduction. They can also be front clipped and in this case the back syllable is kept; chute from parachute. In addition there are some middle clipped words; flu from influenza. 缩略词通常指一个多音节的词扔掉一个或几个音节,然后变成的词语。比如photo就是photograph的缩略词。缩略词也可以是省略后面几个音节,只保留前面,这种方法是最常见的,比如intro是introduction的缩略词。也可以省略前面的单词,比如chute是parachute的缩略词。除此之外还有一些其他的保留中间音节的缩略词,比如flu是influenza的缩略。
1. Ad (advertisement) 1.广告
2. Lab (laboratory) 2.实验室
3. Gym (gymnasium) 3.健身室,体育馆
4. Disco (discotheque) 4.迪斯科
5. Exam (examination) 5.考试
6. Math (mathematics) 6.数学
7. Pop (popular music) 7.流行乐
8. Fan (fanatic) 8.粉丝,狂热者
9. Memo (memorandum) 9.备忘录
10. Pub (public house) 10.酒吧
11. Hippo (hippopotamus) 11.河马
12. Vet (veterinary surgeon/veteran) 12.兽医/老兵
13. Doc (doctor) 13.医生
14. Gas (gasoline) 14.汽油
15. Fax (facsimile) 15.传真
16. Phone (telephone) 16.电话
17. Burger (hamburger) 17.汉堡包
18. Coon (raccoon) 18.浣熊
19. Gator (alligator) 19.短吻鳄
20. Fridge (refrigerator) 30.冰箱
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