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1. 土豪 Nouveau riche

英文释义:The tuhao originally meant a rich and powerful person or family in a certain town or area, with a negative connotation in Chinese. Nowadays, it has become a general term used by people to describe those who live beyond their means.

2. 大妈 Big mama

英文释义:The term “dama” is literally akin to “big mama” in Chinese, referring to those “bargain hunting” middle-aged Chinese women who keep a tight grip on the family purse and an eagle eye on the gold prices in jewelry shops.

3. 我伙呆
My little friends and I are shocked

英文释义:The Chinese term is short for a sentence literally meaning “My little friends and I are shocked.” Its actual roots lie in an article written by a pupil. The school student said his little friends and he were shocked after finding out where the Chinese rice dumpling (pinyin: zongzi) originated from. Since then, the sentence is extensively used to describe people’s shock after discovering a new or hot fact.

4. 女汉子
Female man

英文释义:The term refers to a boyish girl or a woman with masculine (physical) characteristics. In August 2013, one Russian beauty’s photos gained great popularity online. The woman has a very pretty face and an extremely muscular physique. Since then, the term has become broadly used to describe women with masculine features.

5. 高大上

英文释义:The term was originally used to describe a person or a thing of good taste and high level. Nowadays, it mostly has a mocking or ironic demeanor to it.