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Complexion Problems - Getting a Clear, Healthy Complexion


Most of us do. There are the few lucky people who have near-perfect skin tone and color, and who never break out with an acne blemish, and yet their skin stays perpetually moisture balanced and clear.

What is their secret? And is there a way for you to duplicate this perfection, or are you doomed to a life of never-ending, genetically-impossible-to-defeat complexion problems?

The good news is, there are some simple ways you can greatly improve your complexion. Some may seem fairly common sense, and other may be something you never thought of, nor incorporated into your skin care routine.

1.) Adding a splash of lemon juice to your drinking water is a healthy complexion booster. Lemon juice can help clarify your skin tone. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.

2.) Using a gentle toner in your cleansing routine (after cleansing but before moisturization)will help to reduce the appearance of large pores, and prevent blackheads from forming.

3.) Supplement your daily diet with a good multivitamin specifically formulated for skin health. There are some great skin supplements today that will help eliminate complexion problems and produce noticeable improvements in your complexion with continued and consistent use.

4.) Use a gentle exfoliant once or twice a week. Even if you are prone to breakouts, gentle exfoliation is still a must for smooth, new skin cell turnover, and great tone and clarity. If you have any acne blemishes, just work around them to prevent further irritation.

5.) Another great weapon against acne breakouts are herbal acne remedies. The quality "real deal" herbal acne supplements will not only help to eliminate acne, but also will help to heal existing blemishes, and minimize scarring by delivering potent vitamins and herbs which soothe and heal the skin.

6.) Eat your antioxidants! Eat a diet rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This includes dark leafy greens and brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants combat free radicals, the primary perpetuator of healthy skin cell destruction and deterioration.

7.) Take a few moments to give yourself a relaxing facial massage in your cleansing routine (preferably while cleansing, for ease of movement). Take advantage of skin cleansing time by gently massaging the facial muscles. This helps increase circulation, and even helps encourage skin cell turnover for a fresher, more vibrant complexion and a healthy glow.

8.) Get your ZZZs. Nothing wreaks havoc on one's complexion more than lack of sleep. Chronic inadequate sleep results in loss of color, a "slackening" of the facial tone due to muscle fatigue, and even can contribute to stress-induced breakouts.

Following these eight simple rules to perfect skin will really help conquer your complexion problems. Especially when combined with the right skin care products, this routine will have people noticing how beautiful your skin is in no time!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster of Herbal-Therapeutics.com http://www.herbal-therapeutics.com, an herbal remedy and natural skin care product focused site bringing the latest in advanced natural skin care technology for acne, aging & wrinkles, rosacea, and general skin care and health.