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An Acne Herbal Hand and Footbath

a book I read by William L. Fischer called Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect health at Any Age, Book II, 1986, I learn how to do herbal footbaths.

In chapter 10, The F-M Circulizer System, Fischer discusses the use of an herbal footbath. After reading this chapter, I realized how herbs in a footbath could improve your skin and help you eliminate acne.

This book was written in 1986 and Fischer claims herbal footbaths have been in use overseas since 1946!

Now, you can do either a footbath or a hand bath. Once you prepare a container with hot water you can put your feet or hands into it and get the same results.

If you already have foot spa, thank your mother, sister, or whoever bought it because you're in for a treat. If you don't, with $20 or $30 you can get one just like I did.

When you use a heated footbath, veins in your feet start to expand. Over a period of 15-20 minute, the warm water affects your entire vascular (blood) system and you get improved blood circulation.

By adding an herbal infusion into the hot water in the footbath, minerals and other phytochemicals from the herbs enter the soles of your feet and into your blood stream.

This means that you can introduce herbal phytochemicals into your blood stream using the footbath. During your footbath, these herbal chemicals quickly circulated throughout your body and get to work neutralizing acid, killing bacteria, and improving your skin circulation.

Here is an herbal combination you can use. This herbal combination was taken and modified slightly from a book written by Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., called The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, 1986. Mowrey says,

"This (herbal) blend attacks external skin disorders from within, purifying the blood, carrying away waste, reinforcing the blood's ability to ward off infectious agents."

The herbal combination to use is,

* Dandelion root - purifies blood and improves liver