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For America: Learn a Lifesaving Technique


Did you know that up to 80 percent of all out-of hospitalcardiac arrests happen at Home? If a memberof your family went into cardiac arrest, would youknow what to do? Being trained in cardiopulmonaryresuscitation, or CPR, can mean the differencebetween life and death for someone you know.

Right now, a staggering 95 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victimsdie before they even make it to a hospital, but a bystanderwith CPR training can double someone's chance of survival. Ifeveryone in your household took an afternoon to learn CPR,the chances of someone in your family dying of cardiac arrestwould drop dramatically. Arming yourself with the ability to doCPR means that you may just find yourself on the frontier ofreducing the number of preventable deaths in America. Imaginehaving the power to sustain a life until paramedics can arrive!

Learning CPR is simple. Go to the American HeartAssociation (AHA) website, AmericanHeart.org, to find aCPR class near you. Or you can arrange for AHA instructorsto come to your workplace for a CPR demonstration -- a greatoption if getting away from work during the day is challenging.

The more people around you who know CPR, the better!If you don't find a convenient local course, you can even trainin your Home with the AHA's Family and Friends CPRAnytime kit. This training program takes just 22 minutes andcomes complete with a practice mannequin, a training DVD,and a CPR booklet. For less than $30, everyone in your house(invite the neighbors, too!) can get training in this essentiallifesaving skill.

Most CPR courses also cover the Heimlich maneuver, but ifnot, make sure you have this vital skill under your belt as well.For quick instruction in the Heimlich maneuver, go toHeimlichInstitute.org for easy illustrated techniques. Be sureto bookmark the Web page for a quick refresher anytime.

One day, you may be the first responder in a life-or-death situation.If you have the right skills, you can keep someone aliveuntil an ambulance arrives. Take 22 minutes and empoweryourself with the knowledge needed to save a life.