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Living Migraine Free

't treat your migraines, prevent them. A life without migraines is obtainable, I know. I was a migraine sufferer for 12 years and have been treating... preventing them for my patients for 15 years. The 95+% success rate achieved at my office comes from a combination of research, common sense and the hard work of my patients.

When I was a teen I suffered from terrible migraines several times a week. Like most of you I tried medications and bio feedback with little help. Regular chiropractic care offered relief, but my migraines continued. Relief came to me by accident, I was doing a food shopping and did not have enough money for everything. I had choice of eating or drinking my daily 2 liter bottle of Pepsi, I chose eating. Like magic my migraines disappeared over the next week. It took several weeks to recognize that soda, alcohol, etc. were causing my migraines, but once I eliminated them I felt great. Trigger foods are well documented but aren't the whole answer.

When I first started treating patients I was sure that a simple elimination diet was the answer for my migraine patients, but many did not respond. I was determined to find the answer to treating migraines. I did a review of thousands medical research articles on migraines and found the clues I needed. The best way to treat migraines is to successfully prevent them. In order prevent migraines I needed to determine the true underlying reason migraines occur.

They key to preventing migraines is realizing that they are caused by an overload of toxins in the body. A migraine can be seen as a really severe hangover caused not by alcohol, but all types of toxins from in and out of the body. The liver, the body's main system for eliminating toxins is overwhelmed in migraine suffers. The liver is not diseased, it just is not functioning fast enough to keep the body detoxified. Simple examples of a toxin can be alcohol, chemicals, caffeine, and drugs. Toxins also include hormones and chemical compounds the body naturally produces, but cannot detoxify fast enough. Toxins can even be foods if the digestive tract cannot break them properly, such as preservatives, artificial coloring and artificial flavorings This simple concept has lead to thousands of former migraine suffers living pain free. If toxins and slow liver function lead to migraines; then reducing the toxic load and increasing the livers function will prevent migraines.

Tracey T. was 40 years old and had been suffering with migraines for 13 years. She was taking Pamelor, Topamax, Esgic Plus, and Zomig with no relief. She was under the care of a neurologist, her 4th one, and getting a migraines daily. She was in good health overall and followed a healthy lifestyle; exercised and avoided alcohol and caffeine. She began her nutritional supplements, improved her diet and increased her water intake. Her 2 month check up showed that she had had only 1 migraine in 8 weeks and several mild headaches. She was working with her doctor to eliminate her medication and was now only taking 1, at reduced amount. A six month review showed that she was off all medication and doing great.

There are 10,000s of medical studies on migraines. The medical research I reviewed overwhelmingly supports a lifestyle change with nutritional supplementation approach.

Medical Research .... How it supports this approach

1. low B vitamins and Magnesium levels ....... needed nutrients in liver detoxification

2. woman 3x more likely to suffer with migraines .... woman produce more hormones to that need to be detoxified,

3. increase frequency and severity of migraines with menstrual cycle ..........the female body produce up to 4x as many hormones during a menstrual cycle

4. elimination diets helpful .... reduces toxin intake, less to detoxify so the liver can keep up with demand

5. medications cause 30-40% of headaches ...... medications need to be detoxified by the liver, increasing the toxic load

6. triggered by smoke, perfume, etc..... smells are all chemical compounds that increase the toxic load on the liver

There are also two lab tests that support that prove that slower liver detoxification is associated with migraines. The first is a liver function test, this is not your typical blood test. A functional liver test will measure how long it takes your body to breakdown and detoxify