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Get a Clear Mental Picture of the Goal Already Accomplished
"A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done" - Vince LombardiOne reason why people succeed at accomplishing goals is through their determination to become successful. You must first be able to visualize where you are going before there is any hope of achieving your goals. Written goals are like maps with directions.You have got to have a destination, direction and a plan of attack.If you were starting out on a journey or vacation would you just get in your car and drive with no sense of direction on how to get where you are going. You could get in your car and start driving and still end up at your destination. But the chances of you getting there faster would be greatly increased by using a map with directions to your destination.Written goals are meant to be read like a map, you must have directions, a path on which to travel with the intention of arriving at your destination.Write down a clear to the point statement of what it is you want to receive out of life.Your Goals must be in writing. Once it goes into writing the mind will start working on them subconsciously. The traditional goal checklist is largely a product of old technology a pen and a piece of paper.It is a good idea to write the goals down on a small piece of paper or index card and carry them around with you either in your purse or your wallet. This way you can review them often.The difference between a goal and a dream is the written word.Example:Let's say one of your goals is to get a truck. The first thing you need to do is write the goal down. Write it down in the form of a positive affirmation.I am going to practice my typing 30 minutes each day.I will start smiling and saying hello as I walk by people at work.a) Is this a goal you can actually accomplish? Is this goal believable? If the goal is not believable it is going to be hard to accomplish. Smaller goals are going to be easier to complete and the more you complete the more goals you will set for yourself.Can you practice typing? YesWill you be able to find 30 minutes a day and practice typing? Yesb) Is the goal going to be challenging? Those easy goals will form good habits as you complete them. You will see your self starting to make progress. The small goals will keep you motivated to write new goals. The larger goals that you set for yourself will force you to grow Mentally. You need to have short term and long-term goals so you can continue making progress while staying motivated.Is the typing goal challenging? YesIs the typing goal a short-term goal? It could be a short or a long-term goal depending on how many words I want to be able to type per minute. If I am typing 30 words per minute today and I would like to be able to type 50 words per minute I might deal accomplish this goal in three months. If I want to be able to type 120 words per minute this might take up to two years. Now it would be considered a long-term goalc) Start to make an outline on how you wish to achieve your goals. The help you will need to accomplish your goals such as the, information, knowledge, people, organizations. In each case write them out in a clear list and go over them that.Here is an outline of my typing
- Its Your Dream - Are You Using The One-Two Punch?
- Setting Goals and Achieving Them
- Goal Setting - Get Exactly What You Want!
- How To Achieve Your Goals
- Goal Setting and Goal Getting: Go Use This Stuff!
- Start Working on Your Goals Today!
- Personal Goal Setting and Management - Planning for the Year Ahead
- Creative Visualization: How to Supercharge Your Goal Setting
- Goal Getting: 5 Steps to Get You There Quickly
- Goal Setting and Goal Getting: What Would You Like to Accomplish in 100 Days?