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How To Score Your Own Goals With Sarah
Do you know where your company is going? Do you have a vision ofwhere you want to be?Often in an attempt to get company staff to have a shared view of where they're all going a vision and mission statement areprepared.Unless you're a large company it's a waste of time.Mainly because your company works to the beat of your drum.You're the one who sets your own company's agenda. Whether yourealise it or not.Your whole attitude to risk, Customer Service, planning,budgeting, recruitment and cost control are being followed byyour employees.They want to stay on the right side of the boss don't they?They're not likely to rock the boat. But more than that theydon't see why they need to do what you say unless you do what you say too.The staff may influence you to a certain extent. But when thebuck stops it's with you.Maybe you have excellent staff and you can leave them to get onwith lots of stuff in your absence. Maybe they produce brilliantresults.Great.But if you had some goals I guarantee you'll all achieve more.Lewis Carroll said "If you don't know where you are going, anyroad will get you there."Without goals you can either take the short road or the long road and you'll still get nowhere.One thing you need to understand about your brain is that it will go all out to help you achieve your goals. Your ReticularActivating System (a little group of cells that are probably themost primitive in your brain) is the driving force for you to get your goals. It filters all communication to your brain and stops you going mad from information overload.The good news is that the Reticular Activating System (RAS) canbe programmed to achieve the goals you want. That's done by using visualisation and "faking it till you make it".By that I mean fooling your RAS into thinking you've alreadyachieved your goal. It works to make sure that you get thebenefits accruing from that goal. Which means that you thenachieve it! Simple, eh?It's so great I call the RAS the "goal Scorer".So how do you set goals?Firstly dismiss the thought that they're just for January the1st. Or you set them once and then forget them. Goals don't workthat way. A little later I'll explain how you can use a method Icall SARAH to help you check your goals.Now what are the most important things about setting goals?The most important thing is that ......it must be important to you.If it's not no amount of goal setting will make you achieve it.Do you have something worthy but boring that you'd rather not do?You can put it off forever can't you?When you set goals you must promise yourself that you'll achievethem. If it's a boring goal tie its achievement to something interesting or rewarding.I can't emphasis enough how important importance is to yourachievement of your goals.Next you need to clearly decide what it is that you want toacheive. An all embracing statement such as "All areas of my life will work well" isn't much use as a goal. It's much too general for your poor "goal scorer".Instead you need to make each goal specific and so that your goal scorer knows when it needs to be achieved you give it a time limit.The other secret to using the goal scorer is to phrase your goalas
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