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Boosting Your Success with Six Easy Happiness Tips


In what areas of your life would you like to achieve greater success? State-of-mind (attitude towards life and work) absolutely affects your performance and your outcomes. People who stay in jobs they hate, or relationships and situations in which they are chronically unhappy are not only missing out on the joy life has to offer, but are literally putting their health at risk at the same time.

When coaching clients I ask them to do a rough pre-assessment: on a scale of one to ten, ten being that you are consistently happy with your day-to-day life 90-95% of the time, where do you rank? If the answer is five or six, here are some tips and techniques to boost it up.

Live by your definition of happiness and success? Many people feel an ongoing sense of dissatisfaction with their lives or Businesses because they are using someone else's "Happiness measuring stick". Comparing your life and achievements to those of others, and using their criteria rather than yours is a sure fire way to lose the Happiness game.

Take "happiness breaks" using a "fun and joy list". Many people don't realize how much more productive they can be by feeding their souls and hearts throughout the workday. Lunch hour not withstanding, 10-15 minute "Happiness breaks" are real attitude and brain-boosters. A checklist prevents you from saying "I wouldn't even know what to do with myself if I took a break from work."

Become a Pollyanna! Pollyanna, contrary to popular opinion, wasn't teaching denial, or pie in the sky positive thinking. Rather she perfected a mind-set of learned optimism and of seeing the glass "half full". Pollyanna's "Glad game" turned around an entire town from being gloomy and pessimistic to being a happy, joyful place.

Not only will your sunny outlook help you be happier more of the time, but also your "vibes" will positively affect those around you. If you're single, keeping a sunny disposition will make your "vibe" much more attractive. People like to be around upbeat people who make them feel good).

If you're in sales, or are looking to climb a success ladder, you will be much more attractive to your ideal employer or ideal customer if your attitude is obviously an optimistic and happy one.

Have Better Relationships by Living From Both Head and Heart. Being too rigid, and intellectual can really wreck the relationship "Happiness quotient". The people in your life, just like you, want to hear expressed appreciation and to be given more understanding.

Sadly, it seems much easier in our society, for people to express disappointment, criticism and negative observations than it does the positive ones. Speak words of encouragement and appreciation freely.

Ask for acknowledgement when you need it too. People can't (HEAR THIS - THEY ABSOLUTELY CAN'T) read your mind. When you give and take freely of appreciation, understanding, praise, joy and fun in