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Four Powerful Pathways Into The Light And Sound Of Ones


The easiest, most exciting adventure in consciousness follows the lamplit guidance of the still, small voice in each of us. In the quiet of meditation, we listen to our souls and hear what is most needed in our lives and how best to obtain it. This wise, kindly voice never fails us and never falters.

There is no substitute for inner listening. But in our travels, these four pathways emerge to enhance our joy and draw us into the Oneness.

See which of these harmonic pathways resonates best with you: thought and word, self-knowledge, inner peace, or chanting and toning. All work together, as individual notes or as a chord, to transport us into the beauty and music of higher consciousness--the light and sound of Universal Mind, or God.

1. The power of thought and word. When our ideal is peace, healing or prosperity, and we say or do something out of alignment with this, we sense, feel or know it. The discord itself keeps us on track and guides us back into oneness with ourselves, others and Spirit. The great psychic-healer Edgar Cayce, who said that "Thoughts are crimes or miracles," lovingly advised everyone to create an ideal by which to live. This is best done in meditation, so that the soul voice may show us what is needed most. For you, is it peace, joy, self-discipline, will, oneness or something else altogether?

If a single word floats up when you ask this question, create with this word an affirmative phrase or sentence, then go back into the silence to see if it is good and right for you. When it is, post your ideal somewhere and, during meditation, use it as a mantra to draw your busy mind back into the silence. This will build your ideal into your life. When the words of your ideal no longer have a "shine," or "go dead" for you, you have incorporated this quality and it's time to return to meditation for a fresh ideal.

Every time you think or speak your ideal, you are physically attuning your body-mind to it, so be sure it's a spiritual intention that will uplift you! Ideals are blueprints with which we build our lives, whether we know it or not! If you aren't convinced that your thoughts, words and emotions influence the physical world around you, you might find these stories very interesting.

Last November I attended an historic conference in Virginia Beach that featured the physicists and U.S. military personnel at the center of America's research on remote viewing, termed "anomalous perception" or "anomalous perturbation" (psychic receiving or influencing) by these methodical thinkers. One of the presenters was the famous remote viewer and artist Ingo Swann, who reminded us that thoughts, as vibrations, are heard and felt by all sentient beings, including house plants!

At a party in New York City, Swann met Cleve Baxter, who later authored the classic book, The Secret life of Plants, and visited Baxter's Home to participate in experiments. Baxter had hooked up lie detector electrodes to the leaves of ordinary house plants, and every time Swann struck a match, the readout jumped sharply in reaction. After awhile, the reactions stopped and Swann asked why. "The plant knows you're bluffing!" Baxter told him. And so it did, as illustrated time and again in Baxter's landmark book.

In other experiments, Baxter and Swann took skin scrapings and drops of blood from a man and put them in a vial hooked up to the same electrodes. The readouts consistently jumped when the man was poked with a pin, even when he was five blocks away! (See the second edition of my e-zine, OneWorld, for a series of eye-opening articles and interviews from this amazing conference.)

That we are all one body, one mind is indisputable. Yet we so easily forget and doubt how our thoughts and words affect everyone-and everything-else, including our own bodies and minds.

2. The power of self-knowledge. My still, small voice has said for the past 16 years that releasing darkness enables us to attract and hold more light, and recently, DNA experiments carried out by a Russian scientist proved definitively that this is true. It's intuitively verifiable as wel