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Envisioning Your Ideal Self
In my work as a professional coach, I've had the opportunity to interact with hundreds of individuals. I've found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics.*They believe their success has very little to do with what they have, and everything to do who they are.*They hold an ideal about the kind of person they want to be.*They're willing to step into that vision, and hold themselves accountable to high behavioral standards.The quality of your life is predicated by the manner in which you participate in it. Your participation is based on who you believe you are. Unquestionably, you have beliefs about who you are, even if you've never consciously considered them. Today, I challenge you to examine and expand on these beliefs. I challenge you to develop not only an understanding of the person you are today, but a solid vision of the person you dream of becoming.Your Ideal SelfTo create an ideal reality, you must develop a vision, which is an idea about how you'd like the future to be. It's a clear picture of what you'd like to create, and can be a source of motivation, supporting you through the challenges involved in making your dreams come true.An ideal is a principle or standard worth trying to achieve. Your ideal self is the person that you've always imagined being, and encompasses all the power, strength, and integrity, you've aspired to. This ideal invokes a sense of confidence, pride, and serenity, and is you, at your best.There are three steps involved in defining this amazing person. First, you must connect with the qualities or character traits that guide her behavior... Once you've defined these individual characteristics, you need to identify the behavioral standards that she holds herself to. Finally, you must decide that you are going to show up in your life acting "as if" you are already this person. Let's move through each step.Your Character TraitsAll of us possess positive and negative characteristics. It's important to identify all of your personal characteristics as you develop your vision of the person that you're committed to being. Make a list of the positive traits you'd like to incorporate in your ideal vision, and the negative tendencies you'd like to manage. In my work with clients, I've found the following approaches helpful in defining these qualities.Other People's TraitsThe qualities we notice in others have meaning. Both the qualities you admire and dislike have stories to tell. The qualities we most respond to in another, whether positive or negative, are qualities we possess, but have yet to recognize in ourselves.If you find yourself responding to a person you recognize as outgoing, positive, and energetic, these may be qualities you possess, but have not fully embraced or developed. In kind, if you react to the overbearing nature of another individual, you may need to recognize your own tendency to be overbearing.The Traits of Our PastWe've all experienced moments where we shined. Your may have accomplished something extraordinary. You could have experienced pride as a result of persevering through a difficult situation, or been touched by your ability to contribute to another person's life. It's at these times you were applying the positive traits you naturally possess.Conversely, we've all had experiences that filled us with regret. Perhaps you spoke harshly to someone you care for, or were impatient when with your child or mate. It's in these moments your negative traits were at play. Once you've defined the building blocks of your behavior, you're ready to consider the way that you'd like to show up in your life.Your Code of ConductI'm not suggesting you move into life with the persona of Pollyanna. I'm suggesting you consciously develop a set of standards to govern how you're committed to behaving. In coaching, we refer to this as a Code of Conduct. Your Code of Conduct defines how you'll behave, and determines how o
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