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How to Change Any Belief


I have studied the idea of changing thoughts to create a new reality for some years. There are many books on the subject. They talk of visualisation, affirmations, positive thinking, overcoming the past, transcending your beliefs, prayer, meditation, use of structural tension or creating intention to change. I have used all of these techniques to change beliefs with varying degrees of success. Some beliefs seem quite easy to change, while others require a lot more work.

So what does work? Firstly know that the results you obtain in life are a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. Know that your mind is a powerful tool of creation that will always work in your perceived best interest. In particular your mind wishes to guard you from dis-ease or discomfort. The mind will set up situations to maximise pleasure and minimise pain.

Unfortunately when you decide to change an old belief that has been there for a long time often there is huge pain associated with giving it up! What would you have to feel in order to change? Is this more painful than the idea of hanging on to the old limiting belief? If you are honest with yourself you will find this to be true.

Implanting new beliefs begins with reprogramming. Look at what you wish to create and stack it with overwhelming pleasure. For example I had the thought "I'm not wanted." Now I am planting a new thought, "I am loved and wanted just for being me." First I feel all the pain of the abuse I caused myself by rejecting the love of others, all the times I pushed people away who only wanted to love me. This involves massive emotional release. When there is no longer an emotional charge on giving up the old belief I ask myself the question, "What is it like to be loved and wanted. "

Lets make a list.

? I receive lots of hugs.
? Others buy me gifts.
? My Business is better supported.
? There is ease in my relationships.
? Large numbers of people come to see me.
? Many people want to hear what I have to say.
? Money comes my way in large quantities.
? I am continually offered opportunities.
? I truly see I make a difference in the world.
? When I give gifts I am appreciated.
? Intimacy is a joy.
? As I get closer to people they love me more.

When I look at this list of how being loved and wanted looks it creates great pleasure. Compare it with a list of painful attachments to feeling not wanted.

? When I reach out for love I feel rejected.
? I have to turn away to avoid being hurt.
? It is not safe to get too close.
? If I get close enough I will be rejected.
? Since I know I am not wanted I have to manipulate others to get what I want.
? If someone gives me a gift they are after something in return.
? I had better reject love so I wont get hurt.
? Love is artificial, it never lasts.

Both of these lists could go on to be enormous. The trick is to stack them up enough so it is much more appealing to go for the option you wish to adopt. The combination of releasing the denied abuse behind the limiting belief and stacking up the pain / pleasure lists in favour of the new belief will set your creative mind in the direction you want.

We operate from an assemblage point. This is a reality with which our mind feels comfortable. When we have a realisation that life may be different from our assembled view we have an opportunity to shift our perception. Typically this happens in a situation such as death of a loved one, an accident, a relationship break-up, or when something we see as beyond our control happens. Have you ever felt like this? Reality crumbles for a while. We actually see the world differently. Then the mind quickly goes into action to reassemble the old reality. We crave the familiar, even if it is bad for us.

The same happens when we implant new, empowering beliefs for limiting ones. Vigilance is required to ensure that the new beliefs are firmly anchored. This means asking the question, "What is it like to be loved and wanted, just for being me? How would I treat others feeling this way? What can I expect to happen as a result of this belief?" Focu