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Five Formulas for Committing to Success!


1. Clear vision + Intention + Purpose + Focus= Success!A vision is many things: the original blueprint of the successful outcome you desire, a thought picture turned into visual action, a full expression of you! If you are given a vision, then it is within your power to make it happen, if you choose. You would not have been given the vision without the ability to make it come true. Visions are so powerful, it is essential that you know exactly what you are visioning and why. Intention and purpose are partners. Your purpose, or mission, must also be very clearand firm. Your integrity is bound closely with this pair. If it is your intention to truly make your dreams materialize, then a commitment must be made to focus on the specific outcome you desire. Goal planning works wellfor focus. Make your goals realistic, specific and have a definite timetable for meeting your objectives.

2. Authenticity + Passion + Commitment = Success!Being authentic means that the real you isshowingup all the time - in words, thoughts and actions. First - you are true to yourself above all. You are dedicated to knowing what you are all about - your integrity, passion, strengths, honesty and reliability.Knowing your values and acting in alignment with them are crucial to your authenticity. Passionis whatstirs from within that motivates you - inspires you to get up each morning, eagerly, to continue working on a job or project that excites you to want to do more. Passion is the unique message that you want to bring to the world. Commitment is a "can-do" attitude. You want to accomplish something sointensely that you are willing to use whatever resources of time and energy to make it so! You have an unabiding passion to stay committed to your project until it is complete.

3.SpiritualPractice + Flow = Success!A spiritual connection is essential for the unlimited and energetic flow in moving forward on your journey to self-commitment and success.Webster defines'spirit' as a "person's essential nature, an emotional state characterizedby vigor and animation, strong loyalty or dedication."Spiritual practices may include everything from organized religion to pagan ritual and ceremony. Since there is noone universal definition that fits all, one must explore and define his or her own description.How does your spiritual path make a difference, not only in your own life, but how might it connect to a global flow of energy?Your personaldefinition of spirit is one of your ownmaking, touching the honesty of your own soul. You get to choose how you wish to walk in this world and how you want to be connected to a higher source.A strongspiritual practiceallows you to flow with a vibrational frequency thatwill energize and ground you on the 'success' journey.

4. Energy + Expectations + Perseverance = Success! Being energetic and creating reserves of energy are essential for success. If your energy is depleted, you do not have the stamina to carry out the plans for your success. One way to create energy is by taking extremely good care of yourself - evenbeing selfish with your needs! If you support a healthy, energetic, life-affirming style, than you can continue working towards the expectations you have for yourself.One way toidentify whether or not your expectations are realistic is to take a piece of paper and make two columns. On the left side, write your expectation. On the right side, write how you might accomplish that. You do have the ability to reach your own expectations, and each one ofthem needs its own plan. When you look at the columns, you may recognize that some of the expectations are not realistic and that in order for you retain your energy and persevere to the final outcome, the items may need to be adjusted. Perseverance is continuing firmlyon your path, regardless ofunexpected challenges. If you believe in yourself, and are committed to your processes, you will solve every conceivable quandary or roadblock that appears. You know what the rewards will be if you persevere with your plan.

5. Strong Mission Statement + Plan of Action + Focus = Success!Your mission in life is simply your purpose - and your purpose, your mission. You've heard the saying, "If you don't know where you're going, that's exactly where you'll end up - nowhere!" M