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100 Top 2004 Secrets to Success


After all the things I have shared with you this year on what is needed to feel good about yourself, your potential, and your chances of realizing your desires, here is a quick list to review your progress. Remember, you are a success no matter what. The fact that you are checking off your accomplishments indicates that you are ready to climb the next peak.

During this year, through other articles, I shared with you on where to find the light switch and how to turn on it's light, however, you took the time to find and apply. Take a bow for all that you have accomplished and not for what remains. Do evaluate whether you really gave it your full strength though, that is where the guilt appears and will hold you back in 2005.

Here is a quick list of all the secrets to success that I've shared with all my avid followers this year.

1. The road to success begins at the intersection of humility and egomania.

2. Time needs to be made in order to reach your goals.

3. Being a success is being fulfilled in whatever aspect of your life you choose.

4. Be yourself.

5. Nobody is born a success, they create it.

6. Success isn't a town you can drive to--it's a state of mind.

7. The four elements crucial for success are: (1) your talents/strengths, (2) your desire (higher than passion, (3) the success team you've added to your repertoire, and (4) attraction is the universal law and it's something you have to help create.

8. Everyone has strengths. They need to be found and maximized.

9. If you don't fit in, find where you do, and take on that path. Swimming backstroke uphill isn't worth it and you will not extra points because you do.

10. Believe you deserve success isn't a question, it's a must.

11. Become your own first fan and other people will too.

12. Prepare but don't focus, for adversity, plan for other possibilities.

13. Catch self-defeating behavior immediately when it begins.

14. Set realistic goals that feel achievable now, give them a short date, and then keep moving them up.

15. Decide what you are willing to do and exchange what is already in your life in order to achieve your goals.

16. Learn to see yourself as you want others to see you.

17. Start behaving like someone who has already achieved your goals.

18. Aim, leap, and run in the direction as hard as you can.

19. Match your strengths and talents with all your work efforts.

20. Know your own personal values and proceed with them in all that you do.

21. You must have a "get out of my face" desire that is like a positive rage.

22. Success is not an accident or found in a lottery ticket, you need to create it.

23. Let go of any feelings that life isn't fair.

24. Make leaps every day.

25. Act as if everyday starts with a clean white board and you have the choice to write whatever you want on it.

26. Strive for one peak, then another, and another. Keep on booking peak after peak.

27. Success is a place you cannot achieve alone.

28. Surround yourself with a team of believers.

29. Listen and learn from the best in your line of focus.

30. Step out everyday and network within your scope of success.

31. Lose any dream-busters--yours or others.

32. Always remember you are your own Captain of your ship.

33. You must take risks in order to gain success.

34. Confront change with open arms.

35. You don't need anyone's approval to attain your goals.

36. You can learn to attract all that you want, it's like creating your own luck.

37. Focus on solutions, not problems.

38. The harder you work, the more you will attract.

39. There is a big distinction between attraction and chance. Name it to claim it.

40. Turn disadvantages and all setbacks into advantages and prosperity.

41. Learn to recognize and use opportunities as soon as they arise, next week is too late.