

Lesson 5 No wrong numbers

★New words and expressions

☆pigeon n.鸽子
口语里常说:It's not my pigeon.=None of my business.这不是我的过错

☆message n.信息(可数名词)
information 信息(不可数名词)

leave sb a message:给……留便条
I'll leave you a message.

take a message for sb:替……捎口信
Can I take a message for you?
或者你可以说:Can you take a message for me?

☆cover v.越过
cover+距离:越过 cover the distance

☆distance n.距离

keep distance:保持距离
中国人往往喜欢和人靠的很近,而英国人喜欢保持一定距离,他们认为自己周围的一切,包括空气都是自己的。所以在餐厅吃饭,想和英国人坐一桌,应该先问:Can I join you?或Can I share this table?而不要直接去坐。

☆request n.要求,请求
request for:对……有请求,需求
I have a request for the cake.

v.request sb to do sth=ask sb to do sth:要求某人做……
口语中用require sb to do sth
外国人喜欢用被动:You're required/asked to do...

☆spare part 备件

☆service n.业务,服务

(I'm glad to be)At your service. 我很乐意为您效劳。
[总结]对Thank you.的回答:
-That's all right./That' OK.绝对正确,绝对过时。只有老人还用,已渐渐背遗忘。
-You are welcome./Not at all./(It's)My pleasure./At your service.
在演讲讲座的结尾,演讲者会说:Thank you for your listening.此时以上回答都不准确,回应是报以热烈的掌声。
如果一个老外给你说Thank you.你一激动想不起怎么回答,最聪明的回答就是:No thanks.同样对sorry可以回答:No sorry.


Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.Prinhurst is only five miles from Silbury,but Mr Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage,so he has just bought twelve pigeons.Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.The bird covered the distance the first three minutes.Up to now,Mr Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other.In this way,he has begun his own private 'telephone' service.

other(adj)+n(可为单数或复数) 其它的 other people/books
the other:两个之中的另外一个(直接用,后面什么也不加)
句型:One...the other...
eg:I have two sisters.One is watering the flowers,and the other is reading.
eg:Some boys are playing football,and others are rowing/going boating.

Mr Scott has a garage in Silbury.His___garage is in Pinhurst.
A.another B.other C.else D.different
它只能修饰两种词:1.疑问代词:who else,what else;2.不定代词:anyone else,anything else.
原因:1.an/a是冠词;his/my/your是形容词性物主代词;my mother's是名词所有格。在语法上,以上三个词是不能同时并存的,一般要用只能用其中一个。

☆距离的表达方式:Pinhurst is five miles(away)(from Silbury).
Bus stop is only one mile (from school/here).

对距离提问:How far...?
How far(away)is the bus stop?

☆get a telephone:安装电话

I carry the bag.
take则是着地:I take my sister to the cinema.

☆a great many=a great number of (+可数名词复数) 许多
a lot of太简单了,把它放到一边吧,有舍才有得:)

※in this way:这样,以这种方式 in a friendly way
※by the way:顺便说以声(口语开头,用来转移话题,或使很严肃的问题变得较随意)
※on the way(to):在去……的途中(陈述句)
on the way to school/the office;on the way home
※in a way:从某种意义上来说
In a way,you are kind.
※in the way:
1.挡路:Sorry,you are in the way.但一般不需要说,只要说Excuse me.就行。
out of the way:让路
如果那个人死活不给你让路,你说:Get out of the way!滚开!
2.=in this way
记住一个句型:I do...in th