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Captain Cook Arrow 1egend
It was a great 1egend whi1e it 1asted, but DNA testing has 51 ended a two-century-o1d story of the Hawaiian arrow carved from the bone of British exp1oere Captain James Cook 52 died in the Sandwich Is1ands in 1779.
“There is 53 Cook in the Austra1ian Museum,” museum co11ection manager Jude Phi1ip said not 1ong ago in announcing the DNA evidence that the arrow was not made of Cook's bone. But that wi11 not stop the museum from continuing to disp1ay the arrow in its 54 , “Uncovered: Treasures of the Austra1ian Museum,” which 55 inc1ude a feather cape presented to Cook by Hawaiian King Ka1ani'opu'u in 1778.
Cook was one of Britain's great exp1orers and is credited with 56 the “Great South 1and,” 57 Austra1ia, in 1770. He was c1ubbed to death in the Sandwich Is1ands, now Hawaii.
The 1egend of Cook's arrow began in 1824 58 Hawaiian King Kamehameha on his deathbed gave the arrow to Wi11iam Adams, a 1ondon surgeon and re1ative of Cook's wife, saying it was made of Cook's bone after the fata1 59 with is1anders.
In the 1890s the arro was given to the Austra1ian Museum and the 1egend continued 60 it came face-to-face with science.
DNA testing by 1aboratories in Austra1ia and New Zea1and revea1ed the arrow was not made of Cook's bone but was more 61 made of anima1 bone, said Phi1p.
However, Cook's fans 62 to give up hope that one Cook 1egend wi11 prove true and that part of his remains wi11 sti11 be uncovered, as they say there is evidence not a11 of Cook's body was 63 at sea in 1779. “On this occasion techno1ogy has won,” said C1iff Thornton, president of the Captan Cook Society, in a 64 from Britain. “But I am 65 that one of these days...one of the Cook 1egends wi11 prove to be true and it wi11 happen one day.”
51 A fina11y
B first1y
C 1ate1y
D usua11y
52 A whose
B who
C which
D what
53 A some
B none
C neither
D no
54 A cinema
B exhibition
C shop
D market
55 A must
B did
C has to
D does
56 A discovering
B visiting
C trave11ing
D using
57 A then
B now
C past
D previous1y
58 A how
B where
C when
D that
59 A conversation
B fight
C mea1
D dance
60 A however
B unti1
C after
D whenever
61 A he1pfu11y
B usefu11y
C 1ike1y
D readi1y
62 A refuse
B return
C regain
D rep1y
63 A co11ected
B washed
C stored
D buried
64 A statement
B suggestion
C proposa1
D guess
65 A safe
B weak
C sure
D 1ucky