Millions of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night. It’s so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it. Most kids don’t tell their friends, so it’s easy to feel kind of1 alone, like you might be the only one on the whole planet who wets the bed.___1___
The fancy name for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis. Enuresis runs in families.2 This means that if you urinate, or pee, while you are asleep, there’s a good chance that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid.___2___
The most important thing to remember is that no one wets the bed on purpose4. It doesn’t mean that you’re lazy or a slob.___3___ For some reason, kids who wet the bed are not able to feel that their bladder is full and don’t wake up to pee in the toilet. Sometimes a kid who wets the bed will have a realistic dream that he’s in the bathroom peeing — only to wake up later and discover he’s all wet6. Many kids who wet the bed are very deep sleepers.___4___
Some kids who wet the bed do it every single night. Others wet some nights and are dry on others. A lot of kids say that they seem to be drier when they sleep at a friend’s or a relative’s house.___5___So the brain may be thinking, "Hey, you! Don’t wet someone else’s bed!" This can help you stay dry even if you’re not aware of it.
bedwetting /'bedwetiŋ/ n.尿床
nocturnal /nɒk'tɜːnəl/ adj.夜间发生的
enuresis /,enjʊə'riːsɪs/ n.遗尿
urinate /'jʊərɪneɪt/ vi.排尿,撒尿,小便
pee /piː/ vi.撒尿,小便
mom /mɒm/ n.妈妈
slob /slɒb/ n.衣冠不整举止粗鲁的人
bladder /'blædə/ n.膀胱
log /lɒg/ n.原木
1. kind of:有点儿,有几分
2. Enuresis runs in families.遗尿在一些家族中世代相传。
3. Just like you may have inherited your mom blue eyes or your uncle’s long legs, you probably inherited bedwetting, too.正如你双蓝眼睛有可能遗传自你的母亲,或是你那两条长腿遗传自你的叔叔,你尿床也可能是遗传所致。
4. on purpose:故意地
5. It’s something you can’t help doing.这是件身不由己的事情。
6. Sometimes a kid who wets the bed will have a realistic dream that he’s in the bathroom peeing——only to wake up later and discover he’s all wet.有时尿床的孩子会梦见自己真的在卫生间撒尿,只是等醒来时才发现自己已经湿透了。
7. That’s because kids who are anxious about wetting the bed may not sleep much or only very lightly.这是因为他们因担心尿床而睡得不多或是睡得不熟。
A. The good news is that almost all kids who wet the bed eventually stop.
B. Trying to wake up someone who wets the bed is often like trying to wake a log—they just stay asleep.
C. It’s something you can’t help doing.
D. Just like you may have inherited your mom’s blue eyes or your uncle’s long legs, you probably inherited bedwetting, too.
E. That’s because kids who are anxious about wetting the bed may not sleep much or only very lightly.
F. But you are not alone.
1. F文章第一段主要讲全世界每晚尿床的孩子不计其数,但大多数孩子对自己尿床的事儿都闭口不言。因此你要是尿床的话,很容易感到你是独自一人,好像全世界只有你一个人尿床,但事实并非如此。
2. D此段主要讲尿床在家族中遗传,也就是说,如果你有尿床的毛病,很可能你的近亲中有人小的时候也尿床。因此说尿床是遗传所致。
3. C此句之前的两句话已经说明没有人会故意尿床,可见这是一件身不由己的事情。
4. B前一句讲,许多尿床的孩子都睡得很沉,因此接下来自然要说想叫醒爱尿床的孩子是件很难的事。
5. E前一讲,许多尿床的孩子说,在朋友或者亲戚家中过夜时,他们似乎不会尿床,接下来就应该讲明其原因。
第二篇 尿床